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Symptom decrease from Gilenya?

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    Symptom decrease from Gilenya?

    I keep hearing here and there that there is potential symptom decrease in certain cases with Gilenya... even if it's minor, has anyone noticed any? Numbness in fingers, sh*tty walk improvement, ect?


    Feeling so much better

    Hello everyone,

    I've been holding off on posting this, but when I saw the question on symptoms, I decided to write.

    I can't say necessarily that it's because of Gilenya but I've noticed that I have more stamina now, I feel better than I have in years, and my walking is better. I do Pilates twice a week and my teacher has noticed a difference too.

    I've been doing Pilates twice a week for a year. We work on machines, so my legs get a real workout, which must help. But I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of these positive results are because of Gilenya. At least I hope so. (I haven't had an MRI in a year, right before I started Gilenya, so I will ask my neurologist about having one when I see her in April.)

    Before I forget--I've been on Gilenya since March 2011.



      It's really hard to say if it is Gilenya or just MS doing what it does but I feel much better than I have felt since my diagnosis (and really maybe even before). I am finding fatigue from MS is not really an issue for me anymore (I didn't have severe fatigue to begin with though) and my heat sensitivity to be way lower. When exercising in the heat (cycling generally) I don't get the fuzzy vision as badly as I used to.


        Maybe I'm to new Gilenya

        I started Gilenya Nov. 28th, 2011 so maybe I'm to new. I was feeling LOADS better before I started this drug. Sept, Oct, Nov where all pretty good months for me. I started this and shortly after I started to feel tired again, lost my energy (which I had more in the 3months before then I had in almost a yr), I also find myself in the bathroom all the time now. Nothing wants to stay in my stomach (TMI I know ).

        I haven't found myself getting any "better" from taking it, as a matter of fact I kinda hope when I see my Neuro in March that I will need to be taken off it. If my eye test or blood work come back bad then they will take me off it. I know how that sounds but I'd rather the Doc take me off so that my family can say it wasn't me that did it.

        To be honest I didn't want to do this drug. I had felt so good before it that i didn't want to start another DMD. Maybe its true that your outlook affects how your meds react....I don't believe in this but that doesn't mean its not still true.

        anyways best of luck and i hope you find the answers and help you want/need.

        DX 10/10, JCV postitive by a lot (said Nuero lol), Betaerson, Gilenya, Tecifidera, Aubagio now on Ocerevus


          positive results

          I love hearing positive results from this drug. I start in approx. a month. I was only hearing the negative.

          I'm looking forward to no more shots. I hope I get more energy also so I can keep up with my exercise routine and get more accomplished in general.


            coming up on 1 year and no change


              no side effects or flare-ups

              I have been on Gilenya for about a year now and it's nice not having to stick my self every other day with betaserun. With Gilenya, the only side effect I have, is being more tired (even though MS makes me fatigued already) I used to have flulike symptoms with betaserun. I'll have to say (knock on wood) I have not had any flare ups since I've been on Gilenya.

