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De-Tox ReBif ??

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    De-Tox ReBif ??

    I recently saw on facebook where the MS patient had to detox from ReBif before she started on her Galenia treatments. ReBif is taken 3 times a week. Does anyone know how this works??? thanks in advance. Looking forward to Galenia in Feb.

    I went off Rebif and on Gilenya in a 2 week period.
    I seem to have had withdrawal issue with constipation.
    Please visit profile for my blog address.


      De-Tox from Rebif to Gilenya

      Thanks for your info. I have that problem now without even detoxing. I thought it was due to huge calcium pills I take for bone loss due from prednesone ( sp) treatments. Sigh. It it's not one thing,it's another.

      How are you doing with Gilenya?


        So far so good on Gilenya. I did have one exacerbation so far but that was due to insomnia caused by Wellbutrin. Went almost 3 weeks with less than 3 hours a sleep a night and body finally gave up and flared up.

        But that is due to Wellbutrin. Gilenya seems to do a great job so far. A lot better than Rebif.
        Please visit profile for my blog address.


          Looking forward to not "shooting" myself anymore

          Originally posted by Gorman View Post
          I recently saw on facebook where the MS patient had to detox from ReBif before she started on her Galenia treatments. ReBif is taken 3 times a week. Does anyone know how this works??? thanks in advance. Looking forward to Galenia in Feb.
          I took my final shot of Rebif 1/15. I start Gilenya in a month.

          Looks like we'll be starting together. I'm hoping for better, or at least the same, results. I've been holding steady for the most part.

          I'd rather swallow a pill.


            i've been using gylenia for about a year now. i was in a study and stopped my rebif with no withdrawals. the gylenia is working well, no side effects. keeping fingers crossed. best of luck on your gylenia journey. i hope and pray it works for you ... it is so much better than taking a shot and those horrible side effects (for me).



              I am in my second week without Rebif (getting ready for Gilenya). I don't seem to notice much different with me than before. I like the fact that my shot marks are fading. Other than that, not sure. Maybe a little dizzier. That is my main symptom anyway, so it's hard to tell.

              Craving chocolate more? I'm always wanting that........

