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After 3 years allergic?

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    After 3 years allergic?

    I am curious if this has happened to anyone else? One night I took my shot like we do every night. I took it in my left arm and then went to sit outside with my wife. after 3 minutes my wife said calmly let me see your arm...I looked and my entire arm was full of large quarter sized hives. Went to the hospital and am now officially allergic to copaxone.

    On a strange side note after multiple MRI's as I am 10 years diagnosed I broke out on contrast a couple weeks after this incident.....
    First symptom 2000, dxed 2004

    Rebif 04-06, Denial 06-07, Rebif 07--9, Copaxone 09-13, Tecfidera 13-?

    Hi Don,

    I had an adverse reaction to Rebif after I'd been on it for for 2 1/2 years. I ended up in the hospital for 3 months.

    Anyone can develop an allergic reaction at any time. I'm sorry you now have an allergy to Copaxone. I'm glad your wife spotted it when she did so you had time to get to the hospital! Sounds like you now have an allergy to the contrast, too. Bummer.

    Hope you find another DMT that works for you, it must be discouraging having to stop the Copaxone if it was working well for you. The only good news is more treatments are available, so hopefully, you'll find something else that works well for you.

    I hope you'll keep us posted on your next choice of DMT. I hope you don't develop any more allergies! Sounds like this was a doozie.

    Best wishes,

    “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


      It was a crazy couple months as I had never had a drug allergy. As far as the interferon I developed an allergy to the flu symptoms I went with Tecfidera... It scared me less than the other pills even though there are still many unknowns. I started rebif when it was new but the side effects were too much.. Plus I have come to the realization that my shot compliance is getting worse as the years add up...
      First symptom 2000, dxed 2004

      Rebif 04-06, Denial 06-07, Rebif 07--9, Copaxone 09-13, Tecfidera 13-?


        I'm in my second year of Copaxone and MS dx. No allergies. But my last MRI I got red and itchy. Radiologist said it's almost impossible to be allergic to contrast.

        Then I broke out in hives and my body became hot and red all over.

        For that, they shot me full of steroids and antihistamines. Then they took me across the hall to the emergency room.

        They told me next time, I should premedicate with antihistamines before I get the contrast.

        Yeah, sure. I don't think there's gonna be a next time, ladies. SMH.



          I have had allergies my entire life so I've had a lot of lets say interesting experiences! Lol I'm allergic to shellfish so I know I'm allergic to the normal contrasts and dyes they use. I had an MRI of my brain a few years ago (the first time ms was suppected). The doctor assured me that the type of dye they were going to use was completely different than the ones with shellfish, it's gatelenium (not sure how to spell) and assured me i would be fine! Well I had a bad reaction and I remember the doctor standing there in disbelief saying he had never seen anyone react to this! So yes it is possible! I seem to keep the doctors on their toes! Lol

          I have had a lot of MRIs lately including with that same dye. As long as I'm at a hospital they pretreat me the night before and then again an hour before the MRI. Prednisone, pepside, and benedryl. It takes my reaction down to an annoying itching. I just take benedryl a few times and it goes away.

          Good luck on any in the future!


            Originally posted by Don2480 View Post
            It was a crazy couple months as I had never had a drug allergy. As far as the interferon I developed an allergy to the flu symptoms I went with Tecfidera... It scared me less than the other pills even though there are still many unknowns. I started rebif when it was new but the side effects were too much.. Plus I have come to the realization that my shot compliance is getting worse as the years add up...
            Hey Don,

            You're kind of funny. Gotta keep our humor to stay sane about things! I transitioned from Avonex to Rebif, so never had flu like side effects on it those 2 1/2 years. My adverse reaction to Rebif I suppose would really qualify as an allergy to flu symptoms, though. I started having really high fevers (between 105 - 107 F) from it. The neuro assigned my case never suspected my fevers were from Rebif, so I was kept on it during those three miserable months, while I remained a pin cushion for the Infectious Disease dr. It wasn't until I finally refused it (against the neuro's advice) that they finally stopped. I was rechallenged with the drug 2 more times over the next few years, and both times the same thing happened (even at less than half the full dose).

            Good luck to you on Tecfidera. I hope the drug works well for you, and you won't develop any more allergies!

            Best wishes,

            “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck


              Thanks Kimba. I try to be a lot of things.

              Am I correct to assume you landed on Copaxone? If so I hope you don't experience my sudden hive disorder. It was a very tolerable drug getting past the every day aspect.
              First symptom 2000, dxed 2004

              Rebif 04-06, Denial 06-07, Rebif 07--9, Copaxone 09-13, Tecfidera 13-?



                I did land on Copaxone for awhile. It wasn't very effective for me, though, so I had to try something else. Except for the first 4 months of itchy, large red lumps, it was a very tolerable drug. Although, I never was thrilled about the aspect of injecting myself every night! Still, definitely beat out the high fevers!

                Take care,

                “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” ― Max Planck

