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So those were SIDE EFFECTS!

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    So those were SIDE EFFECTS!

    Hi Everyone-
    I have been on Copaxone for 4 years(with a break for a surprise pregnancy). Almost 3 weeks ago, I had my second IPIR---except accompanying this one was the sensation of swelling lips and face, and weird sensations in my throat. In addition for 2-3 hours afterward I had uterine cramping and spotting(weird right??). I recovered, but it scared me enough to go see my regular doc. She felt strongly that I was having an allergic response in addition to the IPIR, and didn't feel comfortable with me continuing the med. I called my neuro to get the ok to continue, but didn't get a call back so ended up being off for 2 weeks before i saw him for my usual 6 month appointment.
    I found that a lot of things that had been going on with me, that I chalked up to other things, have significantly improved/gone away since being off Copaxone. Some of them aren't side effects you hear about, but when I researched and googled all the fancy words in the prescription insert, I found that they were possible side effects of Copaxone.
    --transitory chest pain after injection--it was the sensation I get before an IPIR, but it didn't continue to be a full blown IPIR. This has been happening several times a week for the past few months
    --extremely heavy periods
    --Anxiety to the point of getting therapy-gotten much better since going off Copaxone--like a cloud lifted.
    --Awful emotional PMS--several days out of the month, I wanted to divorce my husband and run away from my children. This month, since going off the med, I am a little more easily irritable, but nothing near what I had been experiencing
    --The previous 2 months, I have had extremely painful cramping. This month? hardly any.

    Just wanted to put that out there--the heavy periods are listed in the insert, but not in plain English. ;-)

    I wanted to add that I was also having daily headaches for a couple months. Within 2 missed injections, I wasn't having to pop the Ibuprofin daily.


      Thanks for the enlightening info. I took my last Copaxson injection 2 weeks ago. I have been taking it since June when I had to go off Tysabri due to being JC+ and I had had 60 infusion. This past year I have noticed my periods being very heavy and irregular. I just chalked it up to begining menopause. I turned 49 this past year. As far as moodiness and irritability...I can go from being happy to furious...just chalked that up to being frustrated due to my MS, can't do what I want to do when I want to do it. Fatigue, dizziness, pain ( yes I know, MS does cause pain..Really..who ever said that probably didn't have MS!) I am getting ready to start Tecfidera in the next week or so. I guess I will be able to chalk my hot flases/flushing to that instead of going through the change of life..I pity my poor family when that hits in earnest
      RRMS 3/05 - Rebif 4/05 - Tysabri 10/07 - Copaxson 6/12 - Tecfidera 5/13


        Weird! I just came on to post about a reaction that I had after my injection and happened to read this first. I've been on for just over 2 years. In February I had an "extra" extremely heavy period. This had NEVER happened to me before. I'm 36 years old, so not premenopausal. Never crossed my mind it could have been related to the Copaxone...?!

