


We began with a mission and purpose to help others living with MS.

We were excited to get going!

And hit a few bumps along the way…

However, in all seriousness, we remain grateful for our amazing volunteers, members & all who have made MSWorld a valuable resource for all!

July 10, 2024, we celebrated the goodness of these past 28 years. With a heavy heart, we will be ending our services.

We need a financial miracle to keep going forward.

We thank all for your support.

MSWorld's website will close on October 16, 2024.

“I personally want to wish all of you the guidance to find this type of support, as so many do here. Also, my prayers and love extends beyond my understanding. It has been a pleasure to steward this journey.”

God Bless you, Kathleen

Kathleen Wilson
Founding President

we leave knowing that
we did our best and
stayed true to our mission and purpose.

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Is anyone taking Aubagio?

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    I am finishing my second month and thankfully I am doing fine. My blood work is normal and I don't think I have any problems on Aubagio.



      Same here, finishing up 2 mos. aubagio & no sfx to speak of, nor any magic beanstalk type things. I hope it's helping. If my (already thin) hair thins, I will get a pixie cut. And a wig maybe, or fun. I'm not swinging from the chandeliers anymore, and I'm too tired for lingerie so I thing a wig is a worthy investment!

      Nothing significant on Blood work, which I will be doing monthly for 9mos as I am tb positive and am taking antibiotics until november.
      I hope I feel better when I stop those.

      As to ms dinners, I went to one with a neuro speaker, he came up from the rocky mountain ms center.
      He mentioned gilenya and something about it trapping lyphnodes.
      I ran to a neuro right away when gilenya came out. I had been waiting around since 2000 for PILL. But he wouldn't rx with cancer as a reason. This led to betaseron which gave me sudden incontinence issues. After 9 mos of that, I moved from my hometown and had an excuse to discontinue betaseron.

      So far, so good with Aubagio...


        Fine here

        I have been on Augabio 14 mg daily for seven months. No side effects at all.

        Surprising given the crazy/severe reactions I have had to a lot of drugs. Avonex... good night, that was tough. Aubagio has been great, though.

        Anyway, I have had no issues with the Aubagio, and I have all kinds of blood work every month.

        Best of luck!


          Just started month # 3 on Aubagio. No problems so far...


            My experience

            I've been on Aubagio for aboutthree weeks now and have no side effects so far. I was previously on Copaxone. My neurologist said that I should feel the effects in about three months or four. I'm also beginning Acthar which previously did me some good for a brief time.


              taking aubagio

              I have been on aubagio for about 5 weeks. The main reason I switched from Avonex to it was because I couldn't stand the flu like symptoms that I had for about three years while on it. I am a nurse so I could deal with the weekly injections. But I must say, this is by far, the easiest, and, so far, the best treatment, I could hope for. Lets face it....every medication is harmful to your liver. I am in a study so I am having monthly bloodwork done to check my liver for the first three months, then every, three months. After the year is up I will request it twice a year. So far, not one side effect. My nuero is an MS specialist who thinks this med is a winner (better results than avonex). Check with your doctor!!

