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Hives And Copaxone

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    Hives And Copaxone

    I have been on Copaxone for a month now.
    At first the only sites that had any reaction was my thighs. They were really bad and welted up and bruised and had bad peely rash.
    I called my doc and he suggested to skip them every other week (basically giving them 2 weeks to heal)..
    Then all of a sudden I started getting site reactions at every site... very painful, skaley, itching, bruises, welts...

    A week ago I broke out in hives. I have not changed anything at my house that would cause an allergic reaction... But I am allergic to a lot of things so at first I thought I must have somehow used something I was allergic to...
    4 days into hives I called my Neuro... he said to discontinue Copaxone for 72 hours and see if the hives clear up.

    Well it has been 4 days. The hives are starting to go away. I am also on Prednisone. The site reactions are clearing up except for on my thighs they both look like someone beat me with a baseball bat.
    I called my doc back- to see if I am still supposed to start back on Copaxone today....

    I am really nervous, because I have really been miserable.
    Doc and I really don't want to change my medication because I have liver problems and the other options all have been known to cause liver side effects....

    Anyone gone through something similar? Or have any ideas??


    I have autoimmune hives, meaning I get them whether or not I'm actually reacting to anything. They appear even on prednisone, which "normal" hives don't do. This started in October, right before I started Copaxone, but after my MS diagnosis.

    I would get to an allergist ASAP and get their take on this. I would also ask your neuro how much discomfort is too much. That type of bruising, welting, and scaling sounds well beyond a "normal" Copaxone welt.


      Hi! Here is my experience and it may be helpful to you.

      About six months into Copaxone, I got some hives in various places in addition to the welts at the injection site. My first neuro told me to stop and that was other helpful info. Then I called the neuro that confirmed my MS dx (he is an MS Specialist) and he had me take a week off and then restart but only inject 1/4 dose and increase by a 1/4 dose each week. (First week - 1/4 dose, second week - 1/2 dose, 3rd week - 3/4 dose and fourth week, full dose.) During that time off, I also went to an allergist and they did a skin test to see if I was allergic to C and I wasn't. Therefore, I am still on Copaxone.

      The challenge for me at the time was I did not manually fact, I was petrified of needles and liked that I didn't see the needle using the Autoject. Well, I worked hard on getting past my fear and after those four weeks, I just couldn't go back to the Autoject.

      It has taken 1 1/2 yrs. to not have huge purple welts from the shots. It bums me out that my legs and arms look bad, but I keep trying to focus on the benefit and not what could have been. My two years on Copaxone will be mid June.

      Anyhow, I hope my story gives you some ideas and you find it helpful.


        cure for hives

        My name is Jason and I have suffered from allergies and chronic hives for over 10 years. I have seen doctors and no doctors can help me. It wasn't food, it wasnt any particular substance. I have tried mayo clinic, I have tried several allergist and I even have tried a well known world wide known allergist in lacrosse, wi. The only thing that has ever helped before was prednisone which we all know is horrible for you. I finally came across something that finally helped and made them disappear and got to the root cause. It is natural oils that you can use. I put some of these oil on my hives and the itching and sweling and redness would go away very shortly and I am no hives free!!!!!! I wanted to post this as I know several people that are miserable with this just like I was and I want to help people. I know how frustrating it is to deal with this and doctors can't help. So if you would like more please email me at **** and I will help you out.

        ** E-mail removed by Moderator in compliance with MSWorld guidelines. This may be put in your profile for all registered, logged-in members to see**

        hope to hear from you soon



          Hi Jason:
          You get points for effort, but you lose them all for lack of credibility. Just in case you return to post here (and I doubt you will because forum spammers rarely do), don't bother. We're onto you.

          We've seen too many "sincere" posts from people who have never posted before that start with "Hello, my name is..." then tell some sob story about their health that was cured by a secret, miracle product and all anyone has to do is go to this or that website or email you so you can unselfishly help out by selling them product. (Your email address will be removed when someone figures out that it slipped by the moderators.)

          Good luck with your business, but you have no credibility here.



            Thanks for noticing the personal e-mail address in the post.

            It is now removed.

            Take care,
            PPMS for 26 years (dx 1998)
            ~ Worrying will not take away tomorrow's troubles ~ But it will take away today's peace. ~

