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BOTOX & muscle spasms: did it work for you?

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    BOTOX & muscle spasms: did it work for you?

    Hi there!

    I have been living with horrible headaches for over a year, almost two & tried many medicines, none of which worked for me. Led me to believe maybe the muscle spams in my neck and upper back are the cause (or perhaps the BetaSeron) so my neuro has recommended Botox injections into my neck and forehead, which I am scheduled to receive on April 20. Has anyone tried this? Has it worked? I'm sort of nervous about doing this...

    Please tell me your experiences!

    LIFE CHANGING! I also suffered for daily headaches as well as pain in my neck and shoulders. I was given botox injections in January. They went into my forehead, temples, back of my head, neck, and shoulders. I can't even believe the difference. I still get the occasional headache but this has truly been the best thing anyone has ever done for me.
    I'm going back on the 7th for my follow up injections and plan to have this done every 3 months for the rest of my life if thats what it takes.
    The only drawback is the frozen forehead. It's a very strange sensation not to be able to lift your eyebrows!!
    Diagnosed 11/16/2010


      OH! That is so exciting! I am so glad you replied to my thread! Did you also suffer from muscle spasms in your neck, shoulders and back? If so, did it help the spasms?

      One more thing: when you say a "frozen" forehead: is there any movement at all or completely expressionless? I guess I won't have to worry about wrinkles up there, then - hahaha!


        I suffered from a lot of tightness in my shoulders and neck. It burned like crazy and I was miserable pretty much 24/7. I used to sit at my desk with my head cocked sideways all day to try and relieve it. Since botox I have not had a single pain in my shoulder. I almost can't even believe it, it has been so wonderful.
        And by frozen forehead, I mean expressionless. I'm 35 and had a line or two in my forehead. Gone. It's now smooth as it was when I was 20. But it doesn't move at all. It doesn't have that botox look that people sometimes have when they overdo it, but you can get over looking surprised!!!
        I really recommend this treatment, it has truly saved me.
        Diagnosed 11/16/2010


          i had botox in my legs when i was like 17 because of legs spasms. i've never had spasms anywhere else but my legs, but the botox really didn't do anything for me. i'm 29 now and still have bad spasms
          "only the strong survive"

          "God don't make mistakes"


            I was (am) having severe spasm pain in both arms, I'm at my limit of baclofen, etc. Last month the doctor shot my right arm with botox, after a few days, NO MORE PAIN! She will raise the amount in Nov., so it will last 3 months. I will then go back every 3 months. It was like a miracle for me.

