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Steroid side effect?

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    Steroid side effect?

    I have just started treatment for MS and my doctor put me on some steroids as a start while waiting for insurance approval for the Copaxone. I did 3 days of steroid infusion at the hospital, then 11 days of prednisone. I finished that last Sunday on January 24. Now I am breaking out in a very, very itchy rash. Little blisters that are forming, and itching, and popping. I am COVERED in it. Is this possibly a side effect, or allergic reaction to the prednisone? Also, very dry mouth, and I got a cold this week. My 3rd cold in 2 months.

    An itchy rash could be a sign of an allergy, and you should have it checked out by your PCP or a dermatologist.

    But the timing isn't typical of what could be an allergic reaction to prednisone. Allergic reactions occur while the body is in contact with the allergen, not a week later. But there might be something funky going on in your case.

    If it's allergic, a topical antihistamine should help. But also if it's allergic, there's the possibility of a systemic allergic reaction happening, and you have to pay close attention to anything that suggests that that might be happening, such as a swollen tongue or trouble breathing. In that case, you'll need IMMEDIATE medical attention. Some of that might be hard to judge if you have a cold, so please be extra careful.

    But your rash could be a result of the aftermath of the prednisone, as the byproducts start to work their way out of the body. All kinds of weird and sometimes unpleasant side effects can occur in the week or two after prednisone is discontinued. Those byproducts can be irritating and toxic, and the body has to get rid of them in all of the ways available to it. One route of elimination is through the skin. Steroid-induced acne is fairly common. Maybe your rash is your body's version of that?

    No matter what, a doctor has to see the rash to have the best idea of what caused it and what to do about it.


      An itchy rash could be a sign of an allergy, and you should have it checked out by your PCP or a dermatologist."
      MS World
      PPMS DX 2001



        Although I've never had this type of reaction to steroids, it could be what's called a delayed hypersensitivity. Allergic reactions don't have to be immediate. They can occur a week later and cause rashes. It's makes it difficult to connect the rash to its source. About ten years ago I had this type of reaction. I had been on a few meds because of cholecystitis, so we don't really know which one I am allergic too. It's also possible to get colds, infections with steroid use. My last course I developed a UTI.

        Steroids can be great if they help improve your symptoms but unfortunately they can also cause many side effects.

        Have you talked to your doctor about it? He or she should see the rash to help determine the cause and any treatment you may need.

