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Questions about Prednisone?

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    Questions about Prednisone?

    I am having a relapse and my Neuro started me on Prednisone today.
    I was just wondering if anyone on here could help me out, when can I start to feel it working and feel better?
    I know it's different for every person, just wondering how it generally goes for everybody else?


    I was in the hospital due to a relapse they gave me prednisone for five days i went home took oral prednisone for a week my relapse was due to burning feeling in my leg now after all that i feel great


      I had a debilitating relapse in March 2013. I was fine one day and the next, I couldn't walk. Five straight days of IV steroids literally gave me back my normal life. My neurologist told me I would recover without them but hopefully, recovery would be faster with them.


        My experience was pretty much the same as ZSP's except that after the first couple of days of being unable to walk or to use my left arm a lot of my coordination and strength came back. I still struggled and had a lot of nerve pain. It was so hard to function. Five days of steroid infusions did the trick. I would feel great the evening of the infusion and then the next morning I would struggle again, but each day it got a bit better. That stuff has a delayed effect as well as the immediate benefit, so it may seem like it isn't helping much at first, but it is. Just takes a little time in your system for the full impact.

