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Cautiously Considering Stopping DMDs- thoughts?

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    Originally posted by knuckle View Post
    It's a lot of of supplements and you may laugh
    Knuckle I am laughing… only because my regimen is shockingly similar.

    4.5mg - LDN
    1g - Vitamin C
    6000IU - Vitamin D3
    1800mg - Malic Acid
    240mg - Psorex (monoEthyl Fumaric Acid)
    1500mg - ALCAR
    600 - ALA
    100mg - Ubiquinol (Co-Q10)
    1g - Calcium
    750mg - Magnesium
    2g - Flax Oil
    2g - Omega 3 (fish oil)
    5000mg - Biotin
    20mg - Bioperene
    200mg - B Complex
    500mg - B12
    4g - Turmeric Capsules
    10g Vege Greens (by progressive nutrition)
    10g PhytoBerry (by progressive nutrition)

    I am also on a slightly tweaked Swank and Wahl’s diet. No red meat, no dairy (except whey protein), limited gluten, lots of vegtables. Basically a low inflammitory diet.

    The only thing I wouldn't consider adding from your list is the Calcium 2aep as the patent holder seems to be over stating its efficacy...

    "...The only reported trial involving Ca-AEP was performed in 1966 in Aachen, and shown only moderate improvement in movement disturbance but no other benefit. Despite the lack of evidence, Nieper agressively pushed Ca-AEP as treatment, falsely claiming that it had been approved by the German Health Authority. Instead, the German Multiple Sclerosis Society issued a warning against it's use..."

