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Medical MJ

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    Medical MJ

    Okay, my state is REALLY close to passing a medical marijuana law - we just don't know if the governor will sign off on it. To be sure, it's touted as the most, heck, I can't think of the word right now, I guess restrictive in the country. You would have to get the script from a doc you have an existing relationship with, from a dispensary run by the state, etc. So, if my primary doc (the only doc I have in the state other than my psych) chooses not to participate, I'm SOL.

    What I'm looking for is information on the benefits of medical marijuana. Is it for general pain relief, or just neuropain relief? I do know that it's a neuro protectant. I'm afraid that my primary doc would refer me to my MS doc, and she's not in this state, and not in a state that has medical mj, plus she doesn't prescribe pain medication anyway.

    My HOPE is that if I can get this, I can get OFF the narcotics (Fioricet AND Tylenol #3), not to mention it will help my nerve pain. As I have two children (16 and 18) living in the house, as well as my husband (who drives), it would have to be in the form of baked goods (no, Eric, those brownies are Mom's special brownies, you can't have them), especially as I rent, and I don't want to expose them to the smoke, possible contact highs, etc., and going outside to smoke isn't much of a possibility for me at this point in time. Especially for my husband, as he's the de facto driver in the house, and having THC levels in his system would be BAD.

    Basically, I'm looking for information on it.

    Another worry is, I'm bipolar. Prone to major depression, and lately, anxiety. I've heard that it can make it worse, or that it can ease it back.
    Diagnosis: May, 2008
    Avonex, Copaxone, Tysabri starting 8/17/11

    This is a medication I've studied extensively, the past 5 years.

    Many with bipolar find a 'perfect' strain for that, to remain stable. Or 2 different ones, to combat the extremes of bipolar. There are different effects from different strains.

    First, I must admit, there is no such thing as, a contact high! And NO ONE has ever died from toxicity, nor has marijuana ever been listed as a 'cause of death.' It is organic and safe. Opiate help and can kill.

    Personally, I was on between Oxycodone 120mg and Methadone of 90mg per day. Which I successfully dropped to, weeks of no opiates, at a time. It is doable. And certainly something, everyone on opiates should consider, seriously.

    Now, when I need opiates, I take between 5 and 10mg of Oxycodone and that is all. It is just as effective. It seems, even if one does not have a goal of entire cessation of opiates, it is a very nice tolerance break and reduce's ones' need for opiates.

    I have serious 'stiffness' and have found a nice strain called "blueberry" or "skywalker" and both make my stiff muscules relax. Strong dose's of Klonopin and Soma, are my alternative. I was on 3mg of Klonopin for 18 years and quit for the past 2 years. My neurologist suggested, I restart Klonopin.

    Which, I will, at .25mg dose. I will quit every 8 weeks and take a break. Instead of increasing the dose to 3mg, again. My muscle relaxants, I did quit, successfully for 3 months and restarted, as the help is unexplainable.

    I cannot stand the "high" associated with medicinal marijuana and am currently seeking strains, such as, cannatonic, harlequinn, Omrtiarx and others. These are just getting a foothold in the medicinal marijuana community. Expect great things.

    Unfortunately, if you are unable to grow, it can be very expensive. If MMJ laws pass in your state, I'd suggest trying to form a co-op, with other patients and each contribute what they are able in order to grow your medicine: Space, work effort and money. Many do that, here in Calif.

    I belong to an activist group of patients for Medicinal Marijuana and it has opened doors for medications, I would never have found or even tried.

    A basic knowledge of MMJ would be: Sativa's (good for depression) are very up lifting and Indicas (good for hyperactivity)--very low and body type of "couchlock"--which can play havoc with your depressive episodes.

    There are some sativa's that, actually cause me pain, as well. It is an effort of trial and error, to find the perfect strain for yourself.

    Oils can be made, Rick Simpson You Tube: Run From the Cure. Also, there are many You Tube videos by SC Labs on CBD's, CBN's, THC and cannabinoids.

    You Tube has a video called: The Human Enndocannabinoid System: I'd try to watch as much as you possibly can, on this topic. I am not sure if I can place links here to the videos, but they should not be too difficult to google.

    I know a young woman that gave her aunt, with M.S. a first dose of RSO (rick simpson oil). Her aunt was able to open her eyes for the first time in years and spoke her first words in years, as well. It definitely, treats the symptoms. And some claim it has cured their M.S.

    The body has a natural enndocannabinoid system. Cannabis supplies those very cannabinoids our bodies have receptors for and need. Much the same as vitamins and minerals. Some cannabis helps with the serotonin receptors and some are not as effective.

    We are each different, as much as the clouds in the sky. Like a perfect piece to a puzzle, when you find the correct medication for yourself, you will KNOW it works and desire that.

    One day, it is my hope, that the medical field will treat these enndocannabinoid deficiencies in our bodies and help us fulfill our bodies needs, organically.

    Often, cannabis enhances the medications we already take and makes it easy to cut down on the doses...particularly with opiates. If you do decide to use cannabis, take a lower dose of your opiates. Experiment.

    Smoking it relieves some symptoms immedicately. With M.S., I suggest ingested it, as much as possible to stablize your entire system. Brownies, cookies, etc. are a very good source. But, the Oil, is the long term help, we need.

    I am unable to grow or make my own oil, so I've taken a break. As, I am looking for specific strains that yielf specific treatment for my ailments. I don't care for the THC highs (as it wrecks havoc with my balance and I have balance issues with my disease).

    Currently, I am on break from it, with the exception of vaping some skywalker before bedtime. It helps with sleep. My legs are so restless at night, they never stop moving.

    Most avid medicinal marijuana users, use the medibles (cookies, etc), as they are slower acting and last longer, for symptoms.

    Hope this helps. If you have more questons, I'll see what links I can post, to help.

    There are boards for Medicinal Marijuana with patients of all ailments, it helps. These people help in educating, how to use, grow and whatever needs you may have.

    Salve's of marijuana really help the joints and mobility. You can drink it, inhale it, eat it, rub it and just about any form of medicine that is can be used, the same way.

    Most of Medicinal Marijuana is in trial and error phase, of dose and strains. But, many are trying to crack the formulas.

    Our Government holds the Patents on the neuroprotectant ability of the plant and the other forms of it that heal. Even though, it is federally illegal; the U.S. Gov't has taken the patents on it, for its medicinal use. Catch 22.


      Unfortunately, according to the bills that have passed the state house, and is currently in the state senate, growing your own legally will be impossible. They want it to go through the state dispensaries so they can keep track of your monthly "supply" (it appears at this point 2 1/2 ounces per month would be the allotment). I guess sort or like having to register every time you buy psuedophedrine, and limiting the quantities of that.

      Well, I heard about "contact high" or rather in this case "contact stone" when my sister was really big into smoking mj without the benefit of a pipe when I was, I guess, in middle school? Or maybe early high school - it was, I think, shortly after she was married, I believe. No, it had to be before she was married, because she got pregnant almost immediately, and stopped getting stoned for the duration of her pregnancy, and after that started using a pipe or a bat.

      As for klonopin, I'm currently on 1 mg a day, up to 3 times a day. I'm hoping to get off that, and I had reduced my usage to only every few days, or even once a week or so, but the last three weeks I've had a lot of anxiety, so I'm back up to once or twice a day.

      I come from a family with addiction issues (father was an alcoholic, brother and sister had issues with cocaine/crack and alcohol), so being on benzos and opiates worries me, even though I take them usually less than directed (but I also have a fairly high tolerance - after 6 years on opiates, you can imagine).
      Diagnosis: May, 2008
      Avonex, Copaxone, Tysabri starting 8/17/11


        Addiction is always a major concern for anyone, having to take anything, for a disease. Regardless of what you read, it is not the mmj that is addictive, it is a persons traits. And in that regard, anyone can be addicted to anything. When someone craves marijuana, I strongly suspect the bodies endocannabinoid system is screaming for the receptors to be happy and nourished.

        Yes, it can make one Feel Good and happy. With this disease...there is nothing wrong with feeling good and happy!

        I was on Sinequan 150mg, nightly. Which I slowly stopped, as well.

        I personally do not find marijuana as an addiction, or a drug that is addictive. When you need a medication for an ailment, the best choice is an organic one. Many die of opiates, benzo's and anti-depressants. No-one has yet, to die of Marijuana OD or even come close. If it helps, mmj is a valid choice.

        There are many 'folklores' associated with marijuana use. I never used anything, well, except alcohol, while in college and my career, was one that I cherished and never altered myself with chemicals.

        In 2008, I read about mmj and didn't even know, here in CA, I could get it and could have, since 1997. It opened new doors for me. The opiates, benzo's and anti-depressants, literally took my life away. Mmj, has given me a new one. One of hope.

        2 1/2 ounces should be able to treat your symptoms, rather well. And more than enough to quit the medications, you fear. You may, ultimately, have to resume those medications; at a much lower dose with just as much efficacy.

        This is not a disease that is the SAME daily and to treat it the same, is not optimally. I made this choice and know, it is not the choice of many, it simply, WORKED for me.

        I've been off Klonopin and Sinequan for over 3 years now. The stiffness in my arms and legs now, are enough for me to restart, those medications, now. It is my plan to use the rso and quit those medications, completely at this years end. It is a goal worth working at.

        As, I DO KNOW, that when I was taking the rso, I had NO Pain, after about 3 months. The rso is extremely expensive. Pooling my resources and at the end of the year, I'll re-start and hope to stop Big Pharma medications.

        I was never able to stop my muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory (Meloxicam). After 3 mos without, I restarted those 2 medications. Both are short acting and easy to quit. My symptoms, just made it completely impossible to.

        I was not taking the rso then. With rso, I may be able to quit them all. When I stopped my medications I started with One at a time. First, the Methadone. I cut it in half, asap! That was not optimal. there is no formula for this, just trial and error.

        I cut one methodone pill off in the A.M. and one in the P.M. (reduced 20mg). That did not work so well. I then cut one from my mid-day dose and took 3 in the A.M. 1 in the afternoon and 3 in the PM. Then I cut the 2nd mid-day dose out..about 3-4 weeks later. I found, that not getting in any hurry and experimenting worked well, for me. Then 3-4 weeks after that, I cut one AM pill away. I was down to one in the AM and one in the PM. I then started cutting the pills in half and then quarters, until I just forgot to take them, at all.

        Mind you, I relied more on the short acting oxycodone for pain relief. Then I cut out One mg of Klonopin, and opted for the afternoon dose. That did not work. What did was, cutting the pills up and taking a 1 mg in the am and half in afternoon and 1mg at night. Doing away with the afternoon dose completely, then the morning dose and eventually the .25 mg nightly dose, was the last.

        I cut those pills and waited for at least 3 weeks, before dosing downward, even more. Due to the long acting nature of these meds, it is not like you can just quit. Sometimes, I had to increase my dose and ultimately go up and back downward, on my doses. Until complete success. It took about 2 years or so.

        This is nothing a medical person or drug rehab specialist will tell you. Which is why, I did not tell my M.D., until I was successful. Always fearing my condition could worsen, I wanted to have the control to do this on my own time, at my bodies pace.

        I fear addiction to the opiates, etc. much worse. At least, the MMJ takes the edge off my nerves and makes me accept things better. Knowing, no matter how much I take, it can only help me. It cleanse's the liver, decrease's aging and many other positive benefits for many disease's. Controlling this disease, is a big challenge.

        It is my hope, one day, soon, we'll all have the cannabis oil, available to us, as part of our medical regime. Not all can take the oil, often the side-effects are more of a nuisance than a help.

        Experiment and don't think of it as 'getting addicted' as, if you quit your medications, you fear, today, you would go through withdrawal, serious withdrawal. Once, you switch to MMJ, there is little or no withdrawal, that is noticeable. No wretching, vomiting or GI disturbances, like those other medications.

        Klonopin was the hardest to quit. I doubt these long acting medications are doing anyone, any favors. It wasn't until I left home for a week-end, that I learned what physical addiction is (when I was on opiates and before I used mmj). I forgot my medications and within 14 hours, I had to go back home to get those medications. Now, with mmj, I no longer have that fear.

        Being addicted to a medication that makes you feel better and happy, is worth trying!

        I am around mmj patients in a group, once a month. It took me a long time to wrap my head around "let's go medicate" as opposed to go get stoned. There is a big difference in the Medical grade marijuana, as opposed to the random pot.

        It is my hope you check out a cannabis type board and read around about: Hemp Oil Cures, Rick Simpson Oil and other forms and use of mmj. It is difficult to find M.S. patients, on those boards, but we are around. There are many people that will be glad to share their stories of having stopped the big pharma meds. Regardless, of their disease or injuries.

        Some people, just cannot tolerate mmj and it is not for them. Trail and Error. And I sure hope your state has legalized mmj, options for you, very soon. When I get anxious, I know, I can, take a vape draw, and calm down within seconds, as opposed to an hour or so, with a pill.

        I sure hope it is legal soon and we can all have MMJ without fear of prosecution.

        You have support in your endeavor to be a healthier you and be the best you can be! Fed



          I just learned what a "bat" is. Thanks for posting that. Still learning! fed

