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Disliking methylprednisolone

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    Disliking methylprednisolone

    Starting last Saturday I got eye pain with movement (both eyes, right greater than left) and the normal amount of blurriness in my right eye got worse.

    I am desperately trying to hang on to my job at work so I didn't want to ask off to go see a doctor. I'm barely managing 25 hours a week at a full-time job and right now the corporate people are reviewing my "situation". Finally Thursday after I got off, I went to an urgent care place where they know me. The doctor didn't see anything wrong with my eye but thought, based on symptoms, there might be some inflammation, diagnosed "eye pain" and gave me a 5-day course of steroids. He also told me to be sure to tell my neuro about this on my previously-scheduled appt on the 24th.

    At this point, I understand that it might not be helpful in reducing any vision loss that I've had but I'm eager to stop the pain so I decided to go ahead and take it.

    I am MISERABLE. Heebie jeebies, jumping out of my skin feeling, things crawling on me feeling, sweats and then not-sweats plus just general moodiness that is not typical for me. I was up til after 3 am!

    I don't know whether to keep taking this stuff or not. (And I know y'all can't really advise on that!) It does seem to be helping with the pain which is a good.

    So I guess I just mainly wanted to vent. Thanks for letting me. I know I'll almost certainly never do this course of medication again!


    PS Oh, yeah, to add to the fun factor of this week, I got "graduated" from a cane to a rollator at physical therapy yesterday.

    I really am sorry for being so whiney....

    Sorry you're having a tought time. That's a lot to take in.

    I hated steriods and skipped my last infusion (note: I had 7 and was scheduled for 8) I also had the infusion nurse call my doctor (which cost me $200 and I didn't even get a sandwitch)


      Methylpredisolone not too bad for me


      Recently my Dr prescribed Methylpredisolone for me for muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders. He said I have a lot of inflammation too. When I have a flair up he gives me this too. Not too often though because steriods are not good for you. But every time I'm on it I can't sleep and have sweats and creepy crawly too but I have no pain what so ever. It is a miracle drug for pain and I wish I could feel this good all the time without it.

      But all meds react differently with every person. I hope you can find your relief too. Sometimes the benefits of certain drugs can outweigh their side effects.

      I hope and pray you can find relief! We are here for you.


        I feel your pain!

        I know how you feel about being on the oral steroids Tuesdayschild! I had a new lesion on my MRI a month ago and have been feeling even more tired than normal (didn't know that was possible!). I contacted my neuro last week to see if he thought we should do oral steroids for a few days to make the lesion/relapse calm down so I started methylprednisolone this morning.

        My arms and legs have felt incredibly odd all afternoon but luckily this is the first day of steroids so I should sleep okay tonight. I hope you are done or at least will be this weekend and the pain is gone. Luckily (maybe) my lesion is in a part of the brain that isn't producing any symptoms (that I'm aware of).
        Betaseron 2004-2009, Tysabri 2010-2011, Copaxone 2012-2013, Tecfidera 2013...


          I'm currently experiencing ON in my left eye. This is my first time and it is horrifying. I have been debating back and forth about the steroids but have chosen not to do them as it is only a temporary solution and will not prevent any damage.

          So, I'm riding it out. I hope you feel better soon.



            On Sept 8th I had a spot in my eye that greyed out and by the 10th complete loss of sight in that eye. They put me on IV Solumedrol and well I just got out of a 3 days stint in the hospital due to a very bad reaction to their "cure for attacks"! Their cure was killing me. When I first complained of symptome (Feeling like i was burning up from the inside out , severe back pain, headache, next came chest pain, with the feeling as though somone was sitting on my chest and i could not take a real breath) what did the initial doctor do??? Well we need to INCREASE the dosage of course! When I started it I could walk without any assistive devices for almost a mile before severe fatigue would set in and after a few doses I could barely support myself WITH my cane and along with the symptoms listed above could hardly get up i was so fatigued!
            My long winded point in all of this is YOU KNOW YOUR OWN BODY....DO NOT LET THEM BRUSH IT OFF THAT IT IS NO BIG DEAL! I truly felt like I was everything inside my bady was literally shutting down (and at the time it actually was almost feeling like a relief....scary huh?)
            Bottom line if YOU think something is not right......scream if you have to until someone hears what you are saying and DO NOT LET THESE DRS bully you into taking or continueing with a treatment that you think is harming you. Too many people regard dr's as gods and do not question them. THANK GOD I did. Not sure I would be able to be writing this today otherwise.

            aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagood luck to everyone as we chart these unnavigated waters....but what we know is EVERYONE IS UNIQUE....DO NOT let them treat you as a number!


              Oral steroids aren't all bad. . .

              Today was my 3rd day of taking 500 mg of methylprednisolone and I feel fine and I was fine yesterday. My biggest complaint is that they really disrupt my sleep but once my body is used to them the creepy/crawly feeling under my skin goes away.

              I have noticed today that I am tired, but I am not exhausted, which is wonderful! For the last month by 7:00 pm I have been at my wits end with my precious kiddos and just want them to go to bed because I am soooo tired!!

              Tonight I was fine and could be more patient with my oldest (4 years old). I know taking steroids is not without risk, but when the choice is between an active lesion in my frontal cortex, yelling at my kids, and being unable to act as a rational person the costs of the steroids don't seem so high.

              Granted this may change if I only get 5 hours or less sleep tonight, but the steroids may be helping.
              Betaseron 2004-2009, Tysabri 2010-2011, Copaxone 2012-2013, Tecfidera 2013...


                I don't believe that steroids have been proven to alter the ultimate course of ON. They can shorten the duration of an ON flare, but I have also read that lower doses can contribute to ON relapse. Unless you're doing the high dose that a neuro would prescribe, make sure you've done your research. My neuro prescribed me 2500 MG/day for 5 days last year- it was hell but certainly put a halt to that relapse.

                Tuesday's child- I do hope whatever you chose you are doing okay. There are meds too that can help with the steroid side effects. I won't do another round without some valium or something! It was too wild.


                  I was prescribed Depo-Nisolone due to a stress fracture in my foot that was greatly inflamed as I did not find out that it was fractured until 2 months after the fact. After the first dose of taking all 6 at once (6 day cycle of 21 pills) I slept great, but woke up with terrible dry mouth and throat, and had trouble breathing. Also feeling fatigue was an issue. Know more about the side effects here


                    Originally posted by Ammymickens View Post
                    I was prescribed Depo-Nisolone due to a stress fracture in my foot that was greatly inflamed
                    Depo-Nisolone is not used to treat MS or MS exacerbations.

                    Steroid injections are used for other things such as arthritis, rotator cuff tears or, in your case, a stress fracture where there is inflammation as well as other conditions that cause inflammation.

                    Again...this will not help those with MS.
                    Diagnosed 1984
                    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                      Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
                      Depo-Nisolone is not used to treat MS or MS exacerbations.

                      Again...this will not help those with MS.
                      That last part is NOT true. Depo-Nisolone is a brand name for injected methylprednisolone, that's all. Methylprednisolone is all the same - no matter if its oral, IV or injected. So OF COURSE it helps people with MS!

                      Depo-Nosolone isn't the form that's usually used to treat MS exacerbations but a doctor can use whatever form of steroid is available. At equivalent doses they're all the same no matter how they get into the body. My doctor has me drink methylprednisolone dissolved in waterbecause I can't have IVs anymore. My form just happens to have the brand name Solu-Medrol and the vast majojority of people get it by IV. That doesn't mean that id doesn't work if it gets into the body some other way.

                      Doctors even prescribe weeny little prednisone Medrol packs and they can help people with MS.

                      Just like a rose is a rose is a rose a steroid is a steroid is a steroid. Dexamethasone, methylprednisolone and oral prednisone ALL help people with MS. OF COURSE Depo-Nisolone helps people with MS! It's a steroid!


                        Yes MSer102 you are correct. I misread the post. My apologies.
                        Diagnosed 1984
                        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

