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Non-medicine treatment for Trigeminal Neurolgia

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    Non-medicine treatment for Trigeminal Neurolgia

    Does any one know of another approach to eliminating the pain from Trigeminal Neurolgia than the current prescription medicines? Alternative Therapies? etc. Any experince that was helpful?

    And for those of you who suffer from this, what is the long-term plan? Will it ever go away?

    I've experienced it for over 3 years off and on, switching between 3 different medicines. Just wondering if there will ever be a time that it subsides.

    Any info would be appreciated! Thanks.
    Gianna - Spinal lesion 7/95, ON 8/96, Relapse-spinal lesion 11/98, MRI brain spots 5/07
    Joined the Coxapone Poker Game 10/23/07

    Hi Bingo!

    I too have had issues with the TN and I wish I had a solution for you. One thing that has helped me is a bite guard. I resisted it for years until I ended up with a root canal, most likely from biting. During a TN flare, the benzo's seem to work the best for me.

    Best wishes!


      I find that when I have TN, and ice cold soda can pressed beneath my eye helps a lot.



        I have TN and have not had a flare since my first one in April. I do have very sensitve teeth in my lower right side. The same area affected with the TN pain. Some days are worse than others. I pray I never have a another flare because the pain is way too intense. I have noticed since my dx that when I sleep I have a tendency to bite down occasionally. Is that a symptom of the disease
        limbo land for 1 year and 4 months DX February 2012 Copaxon February 2012 for 6 months. No DMD's since.

