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Does Neurontin make the side effects of Prednisone worse??

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    Does Neurontin make the side effects of Prednisone worse??

    I've been having a really hard time since coming back home from the hospital this time. Perhaps I have tried to do too much b/c they sent me home w/ "no restrictions" and "take fall precautions" ...wasn't sure how to deal with that. I just started trying to do what I felt I could do and stopping to rest/take it easy when I knew I felt bad. This included driving a few places nearby on errands, but not long distance (ie: my follow-up visit earlier this week).

    However, it seems like I just keep feeling worse. Stairs certainly DON'T help the matter, nor does it help that I tend to wake at 2:30 or so every morning. Just this afternoon, my dh 'moved me' upstairs to the bedroom with the help of my dd and her cousin. Told me he'd set me up with a tv and make sure I got meals, etc. Guess I scared him when I suggested we find out if ins. would pay for a rehab./assisted living place for awhile. Any activities I try come with a price.

    Wednesday, I took my dd, her cousin, and a friend of my dd's to the free summer morning movies. We all had a great time, but before we even got very far down the road, afterwards, I knew I needed to go straight to bed; no inviting the friend over for lunch, and just wanting to get home to go straight to bed.

    Yesterday, my dh took my dd and her cousin (she's staying with us for two weeks while my ds is at her house in LI) to Knoebel's (closest, most inexpensive theme park around). I spent most of the day napping or doing something where I had to sit. I finally went out to Walmart in the late afternoon and used a store scooter for just an hour or so. When I came home, I basically collapsed into bed. Was going to join them for a late dinner, but declined just before they were getting close to home. I just felt horrible and tired.

    Today, I felt pretty good in the morning and went to get a much-needed haircut with my dd ("cuz" came along). Again, no problem while I was there, but as soon as we arrived home, I realized I needed a nap. Got up again for lunch, but after an hour or so, I felt so horrible and had so much difficulty just moving myself that I had to lie down on the sofa. That prompted "the move."

    What I was wondering is if the Neurontin could be making my recuperation worse (read that it could cause muscle weakness), or if it's just me trying to 'get better' too fast. Does anybody have a good answer for me? I realize it's a well-known, often used drug of choice for nerve pain and I developed some horrible nerve pain with this last flare. I'm not even up to the full dose yet, and down to 30 mg. of Prednisone.

    Any advice or answers???

    I don't think Neurontin made me feel worse after my last hospitalization/bad flare...however, massive doses of IV steroids (1500mg/day of Solumedrol for 5 days) and I was FRIED when I got home (plus, who can sleep in the hospital with all the noise?)

    Sounds like you had a bad flare, and now you are on a Prednisone taper. I no longer "do" tapers if I can help it, I found that every time I stepped down the dose 10mg, I felt hit by a bus/like I had the flu x100.

    Neurontin can make a person feel dizzy for a few days when the dose is raised, but not flat-out exhausted to my knowledge/experience.

    It sounds like you need to give yourself time to heal, and time to recover from the steroids you were on in-hospital, and the taper you are on now...I did nothing but nibble veggies and soup, sleep, watch netflix, and shuffle around in slippers for three weeks after my last hospital stay, and the steroid side-effects lasted 2-3 months on top of that.

    I'd say you're asking too much of your body right now, take it easy? I understand wanting to be up/around/back at it
    RRMS 2011, Copaxone 2011-2013, Tecfidera 2013-current

