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    Yep, lots of allergies. Mostly antibiotics and environmental stuff like dust, molds, trees, sunflower oil, almond milk, cats, etc. Have been taking allergy injections for over 6 years and I am finally up to one every 3 weeks. I do feel a bit more allergic after taking one for a few hours, but nothing serious. I take a 10 mg generic Claritin once a day and I hired a house cleaner and she was the best thing I couldve done!!


      Originally posted by renie50 View Post
      Yep, lots of allergies. Mostly antibiotics and environmental stuff like dust, molds, trees, sunflower oil, almond milk, cats, etc. Have been taking allergy injections for over 6 years and I am finally up to one every 3 weeks. I do feel a bit more allergic after taking one for a few hours, but nothing serious. I take a 10 mg generic Claritin once a day and I hired a house cleaner and she was the best thing I couldve done!!
      Now that is what I truly need.. a house cleaner.. at least once a week. Isn't the Claritin for sneezing, water eyes, etc.. I don't have any of that. I have the pressure around the nose, face area and a bit congested.

      When I went to see the ENT, he took this long looking thing and sprayed Afrin up my nose - it really opened me up... felt great. But he told me do not use the over the counter Afrin it could make my sinuses worst. I have been using Arm & Hammer Saline Rinse several times a day.. its not doing but so much but I have not been using it on a consistent basis which I probably should.

      Well I see my ENT dr tomorrow.. THANK GOODNESS. And I will give the allergy shots a try.. I pray I do not have a bad experience...if so, that will be the end of that.

      Ms. Jay


        Originally posted by futurmil2b
        And I will give the allergy shots a try.. I pray I do not have a bad experience...if so, that will be the end of that.
        Unless you have a *really* bad reaction, I would suggest giving them a couple of months before giving up. My reaction to the shots has been getting milder over time (knock wood--I'm only 3 months in). With the first ones, I got very swollen and itchy near the spot where they injected the grass pollen. But now, it's about the level of a bad mosquito bite, and my arm barely hurts.
        Accepting reality is not the same as wanting to have a problem. It means accepting something that will be happening whether I want it or not.


          I did allergy shots for about 6 years. After 6 months I no longer needed antihistamines for pollen so long as I kept current with my shots. I have now been off of the shots for nearly 5 years, and instead of feeling miserable from spring to hard frost, I now get itchy eyes/nose for about 3 weeks in the spring and then...nothing. Nothing at all. It feels like a miracle.

          Allergy shots changed my life, truly.


            Thanks for responding :0) - Update Allergy Shots

            Thank you all that responded. I bit the bullet and I am doing the allergy shots. I had to do 2 days a week for 2 weeks. This is week 2 - my first injections was today, my next one is Friday. After that, I will be doing injections 1x a week - Yahoooo.

            Not sure if I like the allergy shots. Afterwards, seems like my muscles feel more tighter. Like someone mentioned, maybe its my immune system responding to the shots.. I dunno. Reminds me when I first did my Copaxone injection.. that's a whole other story.. not taking that anymore.. tried it for a short time last year.

            I will try hard to go ahead and do the last one tomorrow for this week. At least the rest of them is only once a week. I am trying to take Claritan as well. I think its helping some with the head - face pressure. Feel like I have small spasms in my back, abdomen - can barely walk on my right leg.. it feels like it stays tensed up anyway.

            I read on one forum that allergy shots actually helped a few ladies with MS.. it decreased their MS symptoms... I could see that happening.

            Anyhue... I will try hard to stick with the shots for a while.

            Ms. Jay

