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Scary reaction to Copaxone

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    Scary reaction to Copaxone

    This was my second night for my copaxone shot and I reacted horribly. As I was pushing the medicine in, I started to feel like my head was floating in space and I got very hot and sweaty. I figured that might be normal from what I was reading in the side effects. As I was walking to my room to lay down, I got very dizzy and passed out and fell to the ground. I wake up to my dh frantically trying to get me off the floor. He got me to the bed and omg the pain in my leg at the injection site was 200% worse than last night. Anyone else this has happend to? It scared the stuffing out of my dh and me. Im really scared now to do another shot.


    I would call the 24 hour Shared Solutions nurse ASAP and follow up with Dr tomorrow!!!

    I have been on Copax for almost 4 weeks, with NO sx whatsoever.

    Think if there could have been something else going on, or if you may have hit a vein or muscle...

    My thoughts are with you!
    Prob MS 9-14-04; Dx PPMS 9-16-11; RRMS 12-15-11
    Ampyra 10mg 2xday
    Copaxone 1/20/12


      Your experience would be very frightening. Shared Solutions has 24/7 nursing assistance. They are great about returning calls quickly. I would get on the phone with them at once.

      I have been on copaxone for 4 months and the worst reaction I experienced was bruising once on my thigh. Made the call to the 24/7 support and was given a solution to the bruising issue.

      Make the phone call to Shared Solutions.

      dxd August 2011 at age of 65


        Reading this, it sounds more like a anxiety based physical reaction to giving yourself a shot (the lightheadedness, sweaty, passing out) than it sounds like it was a reaction to what you actually injected. I agree with calling Shared Solutions right now to talk to them, of course. Better to be safe than sorry!


          Copaxone reaction...

          I am just reading this quite awhile later. That is scarey! I hope you called the doctor and got to an emergency room ASAP.

          Copaxone may cause some very odd reactions in very few. I suspect the batch you had was contaminated because it is a very good and safe drug.

          I hope you are fine and did not continue with that medicine!


            I agree with the others - call Shared Solutions and your doc.

            I have been on C for over 5 years. If I accidentally hit a nerve or muscle I do get dizzy from the pain. It hurts like a bugger! But, since I have adjusted the depth to a comfortable level for me and become aware of where the shot should go, I have not had this problem.

            Maybe you need to have the nurse come again to help you figure it out. But in any case, Shared Solutions should be able to help you. (or check with a support group through the MS Society)


              YESSSS! It has happened to me and it freaked me right out. I think my first ever post on this board was for this exact thing. Back in 2007 when I switched from Rebif to Copax things were going along well for the first couple of weeks.

              I used the auto injector always and one day I injected into my left hip and passed out cold on the floor (I had been sitting on the couch when injecting). I woke up in a puddle of pee, shorts pulled down from doing the shot and my then 16 year old daughter calling 911.

              The Shared Solutions nurse suggested that I do my next injection in the doctors office, which I did with no issue. She suggested that I manually inject as the medicine wouldn't enter my system as fast and also lay down to inject when possible as you can't pass out when laying down.

              I am still on Copax and having good results, I haven't had any issues since doing it this way. You should talk to your doc about it, good luck with it.
              RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
              "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                CatMom, thanks for your tips. I start Copaxone this weekend.
                Dx: 2/3/12. 6-8 lesions right medulla/cervical spine. GLATIRAMER ACETATE 40 mg 1/19, medical marijuana 1/18. Modafinil 7/18, Women's multivitamin, Caltrate + D3, Iron, Vitamin C, Super B Complex, Probiotics, Magnesium, Biotin.


                  I called Shared Solutions and they said I had that 16% immediate reaction and needed to stop the shots immediately and contact my neuro.

                  My neuro office was closed so they contacted the neuro on call and he totally blew me off. He said to call my neuro on monday. I told him he isnt in til Wednesday, and the on call neuro told me 'Well, theres nothing I can do for you' and hung up. Im soooo angry right now.

                  So I guesss I dont take the shots til I get ahold of MY neuro. Oh well~~


                    Sorry Copaxone didn't work out, but at least you're OK. I hope the next DMD works for you.

                    There really was nothing for the on call doc to do. It was not an emergency, and you wouldn't want him prescribing a new med when he's not familiar with your case...
                    1st sx 11/26/09; Copaxone from 12/1/11 to 7/13/18
                    NOT ALL SX ARE MS!


                      I had a severe IPIR to Copaxone in November. I don't know if yours was a case of anxiety or the reaction but NEVER lay down if you think you are having it. Try to stay in a seated position.

                      I hope and pray never to have another one, it did not stop me from continuing with my injections. I read about the IPIR with the Copaxone so I knew what was happening and tried to follow their advice.

                      Call Shared Solutions to report what happened and call your doctor. That way they have it noted in your files.


                        WEIGHT GAIN



                          Pjs, I wasn't able to get into my neuro either when this happened so I went to my family doc and she supervised the taking of the shot and suggested the manual injection method. She showed me how to pinch the fat at injection site and just inject right into it, I can even inject with my left hand now.

                          I did follow up when I could get an appt with my neuro but that was a couple of months later.

                          I can feel your frustration with this, it's so discouraging and my heart goes out to you. Pls let us know how you're making out.
                          RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
                          "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                            Thanx for all the kind words and advice. I have been manually injecting. I loaded the autoject once and couldnt use it. That pop from the release scared the stuffing out of me, but manually doesnt scare me at all.

                            I did call shared solutions back and told them what that on call doc said to me so they do know. I will contact my neuro's office on monday. Until then, I just wont take the shots. I only did it for 2 days so its not like the med really had time to do anything anyway.

                            SS also said I wont go thru any withdrawal symptoms yet because it had only been 2 days. This is just so frustrating. It took 3 months to get approved for this med and now this happens. Ugh!!

