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Meds for pain?

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    Meds for pain?

    Hi everyone,

    I've been reading a lot of posts of folks being on baclofen (sp?) for pain.

    I have severe pain in my legs all the time. The severity depends on how much and long I am on them. My neuro prescribed gabapentin 200 mg 3x a day but honestly the pan is still there. I see a lot of folks take baclofen. I'm wondering if that medication would help me more. I don think my pain is nerve related, it feels more muscular than nerve so how do I know if I am taking the right meds?

    Any help would be great!!!
    Sx's 5/1996 Dx'd 9/2011
    RRMS- Betaseron, Copaxone, Tecfidera, Aubagio
    Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all


    Baclofen I think is more for spasticity involved with ms (muscle spasms) to my understanding. I'm supposed to start on it next week. I'm also on vicodin, cymbalta and another one that my lovely ms mind won't let me remember right now.

    Good luck with your pain, it can be miserable. I know!
    RRMS 10/2011 Sick and tired of being sick and tired!


      Ive been taking baclofen for spasms since December 2011. It wasnt working the greatest so my neuro increased my dosage and works much better now. I take 40mg up to 3 times a day. I find great relief from the spasms now. Neuro also put me on 50mg amitriptyline for pain. Hope you find relief soon.


        Baclofen is a muscle relaxer, not a pain reliever. If muscle spasms cause pain, the muscle pain can be relieved secondarily when the spasms are relieved.

        Muscle pain isn't necessarily the same thing as muscle spasticity. If your leg pain is caused by muscle spasms, baclofen might help. If your pain isn't from muscle spasms, baclofen might not help.

        Also, if you're still interested in pursuing the nerve pain aspect, you might also consider talking to you neurologist to see if increasing your gabapentin dose might be appropriate.


          Thank you to everyone that responded. I'm still trying to figure all this out. I guess I will have to talk to my neuro about all the pain and what I am actually experiencing.
          Sx's 5/1996 Dx'd 9/2011
          RRMS- Betaseron, Copaxone, Tecfidera, Aubagio
          Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all


            I hope you have a good neuro, it shouldn't be too difficult to dx nerve pain from muscle spasticity. A good neuro esp one who specializes in MS is vital in this long term disease. I'm glad you came here to ask questions. We have to be our best advocate. If you feel like it's in your muscle vs nerve, you're probably right.
            best of luck,


              Hi alliesmommy

              I too am on baclofen but for tremor in my hands and arms and neck and jerking in my legs. Compared to others, I am on a way low dose of 10mg up to three times a day as needed. It was not prescribed for pain. I take percocet 5mg plus 325mg of Tylenol ( in the percocet ) two of them up to four times a day. Just a note....oxycodone is made without Tylenol and is my drug of choice, since our livers get a work out with the MS meds and so many other meds that are filtered through the liver. And if you find you need the Tylenol with the oxycodone , you can always add it.

              I too am on gabapentin aka neurontin 600mg twice a day. Was put on that for migraines initially. I also take cymbalta 60mg two at bedtime, again, prescribed for migraine control. Cymbalta is supposed to also help with neuropathic pain, but it really doesn't help me for that.

              My money is on the narcotics although they come with their own set of problems. The biggest one is that you have to stay within the dose prescribed by your doc and not run out early if you can avoid it. It becomes an issue if you end up running out early with many doctors and some refuse to refill early, even if it's only a day or two. So understand that if you go that route. Other docs are very understanding and want a call if you are finding you need more than is prescribed, so that they can be aware and also discuss a new plan. I am lucky to have that type of doc right now. Have had the others previously ( actually its usually the docs support staff that makes life miserable).

              The one bad thing with narcotics is that often, the longer you are one them, the more likely you will need to increase the dose, due to your body changing and needing a higher dose. This is not always the case but it can happen. I have found that if ( with my doctors assistance), over the years ( have been on one type of narcotic or another since 2005) he helps me by lowering the dose for a few months, then raising it back up if needed and doing this as long as I can tolerate it. My hope is to be off of narcotics soon and only take them as needed. My neuropathy pain has been so bad at times, I have had to go to ER for treatment but I am under much better control now

              Sorry this is so long winded and hope it helped

