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Depression no more..

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    Depression no more..

    What a difference the correct meds make. I was DX 4/11 and my PCP started me on an AD (Pristiq). I have taken that since but remained in a funk that I did not recognized. It was not until a talk with my DW that I realized just what kind of mental basket case I was.

    The very next day I went to my PCP and he added Buspar the mix. After a few weeks I could feel a huge difference. I am in sales so I really need to be sharp and I was anything but. Now I am on my game and feel great mentally. Physically well that's a completely different story.

    It really is amazing how one can tolerate the daily SX when it does not affect you mentally.
    Dx'd 4/1/11. First symptoms in 2001. Avonex 4/11, Copaxone 5/12, Tecfidera 4/13 Gilenya 4/14-10/14 Currently on no DMT's, Started Aubagio 9/21/15. Back on Avonex 10/15

    It's hard to beat a person that never gives up.
    Babe Ruth

    Hay friend!

    I agree it does help. I was on Wellbutrin for fatigue and it definitely did help with the fatigue, but made the memory and communication issues worse. I stopped b/c it caused anxiety. It was not till months after stopping that I realized I was remembering and communicating better.

    I really did help deal with the day to day emotional issues that come with being ill. I was able to more calmly accept things, but unfortunately could not communicate them very well.

    I am so glad to hear you are doing well, and wish for that to continue. May your physical issues be short-lived and if not may you learn to adapt and cope.

    I think if nothing else,having a chronic illness requires a lot of mental tenacity. If you are in sales, then you most certainly have it. I should know, I did outside sales for Yellow Book in dallas fort worth. Talk about a den of back stabbing vipers.

    take care,


