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?? about Rebif dosage

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    ?? about Rebif dosage

    Hi everybody,
    I wanted to just throw this out there before I talk to my Dr. I have been diagnosed since 2001 and really had a very easy time of it *knock wood* I was put on Rebif asap. I didn't notice any problems with it at all. Low iron count maybe. When my family and I relocated I had to get another nuero and he put me back on the 22mg because of my low iron. I gotta tell you I felt great, but when we relocated back the next nuero did mri saw new lesions and suggested I go back to full dose. Felt O.K. not great lesion load wasn't getting worse but wanted to try oral med. switched to G 9 months ago and I haven't felt really good since the first week. Check ups check out, mri is better but I feel sluggish and weak. My question is has anybody known or heard of a MS'r who has only done a 1/2 dose of any of DMD??
    Live, Love, Laugh


    I've never taken the 44 of Rebif, but I've only been on a dmd since June, so i have no long term experience to offer you. I can tell that even on 22 of Rebif, my MRI at the end of December was clean with no new lesions and no activity.


      I have done the 44 dose then the 22 dose twice over the last 5 years. Reason for quitting 44 dose was flu-like symtoms that kept getting worse through out first 6 months of the 44 dose.I could due the 22 dose for longer.Have now quit rebif,have always had escalating liver function problems with interferons too.

