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2 days of fever and aches after Avonex shot

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    2 days of fever and aches after Avonex shot

    Should I call one of the nurses? I have not experienced side-effects for 2 days after the shot before. I have been taking Avonex for almost a year now.
    ~Piper - DX'd 2/2010 - Mama, Wife, Working gal

    I read a post a while ago when someone else posted a question similar to yours, that you may have already had a bug brewing in your system and the med made it worse. That it's not necessarily the med making you feel bad, or maybe that the med enhances it. I don't know but I would call the nurse absolutely if you are experiencing something new.
    Take Care-
    ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
    Dx the first time: 10/25/11
    Avonex 1/12-10/12
    Revaluation of Dx 10/12
    Rediagnosis 7/14


      Calling your Dr is a good 1st step. I had one shot that seemed to linger for a couple days but I was fighting off a sore throat as well. Good luck.


        Once in awhile I'll have a shot reaction that kicks my behind so to speak.....with achiness, headache, extra fatigue for over 24 hours. No particular reason as my shot routine is the same each week. Do be sure you aren't dehydrated. If you haven't tried Aleve, you might want to, it works very well for me. Hope this is just a one time increase in symptoms for you.



          I am going to try Avonex first DMD...waiting for the nurse to call. I know some people have side effects and some have very few or none I guess. I just had a flare up at Christmas but I'm getting better and will start work again soon. When should I take the shot? I thought that Friday night or Saturday morning might be the case I have side effects. I don't like ruining my weekend though but I can't risk taking it during the week unless I know I won't have any issues.


            On very rare occasions I've had two days of side effects. I get ticked but not really concerned. Of course, calling the Avonex nurses is always free and it can't hurt, so don't be afraid to do that.

            @ ElizabethMW: I started out taking the shots on Friday evenings to minimize effects on work (a Mon-Fri 8-5 job). I felt icky on many Saturdays and even a couple of Sundays, but the side effects moderated over time. I still prefer Fridays and definitely prefer 5 p.m. or later, but I do a lot of shots Saturday evenings/nights when I have something big going on Friday nights or Saturday mornings. For various reasons I've done a couple shots Thursdays, even a Monday and a Tuesday. I manage fine, but still prefer my Fridays.


              Remembering my first shot, I was unprepared for side effects to hit 6 or 7 hours after the injection I still inject in the mid afternoon knowing I can have a second dose of Aleve before bedtime.

              You may not be able to plan the timing of your first shot since a nurse will be coming. Over time you will be able to better judge a good schedule for you based on your side effects.


                Aleve, the best OTC for Side Effects. Been using it for years. If you continue to have bad side effects your Doctor can prescribe a low dose, 10 mg, of Prednisone to take about 6 hours before the shot. Very cheap and easy to do.
                Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                  I wouldn't take it in the morning. Best to inject on a weekend night, then you can sleep off the worst side-effects.
                  Drink lots of water, and take Napoxen before and several hours later.
                  And in time, the side effects do lessen. After two years, I hardly have any side-effects at all.



                    Thanks for responding...I'll keep all your suggestions in mind.

