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Does anyone like Rebif? I have questions?

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    @Heather......the cold chills are probably because you have a fever. It's the 'flu-like' symptoms. Take Tylenol (if you can) before you inject. Ibuprofen is good too as it lasts 8hrs.
    Dx RRMS 1999
    On Rebif


      I am starting with the titration pack. Last night I must have done something wrong because after the shot I got a lump inder my skin. It went away after I rubbed it. And it bruised. Maybe I didn't get it deep enough?


        I get a lump when I hit a vein! And then a nasty bruise follows! I try to be sure that I don't see a vein under the area I'm aiming for, but sometimes I hit one anyway.

        So, you're only at the first dose in the Tritration Pack? The 8 m dose? You probably won't feel anything at the lower doses--but you might when you hit the full dose.

        Everyone is different--I didn't feel sick or achy at the full dose, but that's when it started to sting sometimes when I injected.


          i was on it for 4 years. my neuro took me off only b/c my MRis were less than ideal. although i didn't mind it.

          1. never had flu like symptoms on it like i did with avonex. of course, i may have had so symptoms, but i was sleeping since i took the shots at night,

          2. while on avonex, i took ib profen. didnt try anything else. it worked. the one time i forgot to take it 2 hours after and wound up spiking a fever of 104 F. it came down quikly after that.

          3. never two. but i did skip one.

          4. i dont think so, but i was a minor(14-18) while on rebif so that was a non-issue.
          Learn from yesterday
          Live for today
          Hope for tomorrow


            It amazes me to realize I have now been on Rebif for 9 1/2 years!

            Side effects were a real challenge for the first 4 months- to the extent that I was fed up and wanted to quit Rebif. Then, my body began to "figure it out," and I began to cope with it quite well.

            I regularly take a generic Aleve with every shot. A few of the times when I failed to do so, I still got feverish chills in the middle of the night. With it, I feel no side effects.

            I have been one day late with a shot because of "cog fog" two times in all those years, but have never completely skipped one. Since it is Tues/Thurs/ Sat shot schedule for me, for those times it became Mon/Wed/Fri... and the extra day of the week got me back on schedule!

            I'm a non-drinker, so don't have any advice, there.

            Hope it goes well for you!

            "He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." ~James Elliot

