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    Hope I get feedback

    I tried copax once about 6 months ago. I felt like it upped my anxiety but it may have been me rather than the med. I have decided to give it another try.

    I see a lot of positive responses from people. I pray it works for me. I have not had any relapses per say but I stay tight and tensed a lot. My right leg also feel weird and tensed up.y upper back thigh hurts when I stretch it

    I just had another MRI done and a few lesions decreased but there is a new lesion so dr wants me on a dmd I just pray c gives me back a quality of life and help me gain weight

    Does anyone have a glass of wine while taking c and or take ativan? I am not sure if I can get use to injecting myself everyday but if it helps me I'm sure I will get use to it

    In what way has c helped you??
    Ms Jay

    ms jay, you will get used to self injection. the needles are very small, thin, and easy to inject. manual injection is far easier than you think. i prefer to manually inject rather than use the auto injector. in very short order,, you will get used to it.
    MS World
    PPMS DX 2001



      I hate needles! I love the guy who invented the auto inject. Sometimes it hurts a little, but the side effects are almost non-existent. Been on it for a while & very satisfied.
      Good luck!


        I try to embrace Copaxone as something that is helping me fight this miserable disease so that makes it a lot easier to inject every night.

        Athough we can't know for sure I have been very stable for 7 years so I give Copaxone and probably just some luck the credit.

        It definitely isn't my sunny disposition.
        He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.


          I never thought I'd be able to inject myself, much less daily, but now it's nothing big. It really does get easier over time. Just be kind to yourself about it; this is a big thing to take on again, and you should be very proud of yourself for giving it another go!

          Copaxone makes me feel like I'm doing something about MS. Hopefully it is giving me time to heal from my big ol' flare that led to my diagnosis last year. Time will tell.


            Thank you all for your reply :0)

            My main concern about starting C is that I have not had any relapses and my lensions on my MRI are classified as "mild". Also there were some that decreased.

            I do not want to make matters worst by starting on Copaxone. In limbo.. not really sure as to what to do. Now If it would help with my muscles tightness and tension then yes.. I would be willing to give it a try.

            But I am not sure if it would help with that...

            Ms. Jay


              My MS has reacted quite well to copax. I began taking it in Aug 2007, had to stop for a month or so as I passed out cold once while injecting with the auto-injector. Once I saw my neuro he suggested manually injecting, which I have done since then. Only 2 flares which required IV steroids, 1 in Jan/08 and 1 in Jan/09.

              I do take Ativan 2x/day for the shakes and I save 1 for just before my shot, I still get bad anxiety when I inject due to the fainting episode.

              I found that manually injecting gives me more control over how fast the medicine enters my system thus easing the anxiety.

              On a more personal note, I have been approved to go back to work for 2 x 4 hour shifts per week. I never thought this would be possible and I strongly feel like copax has a lot to do with it. Best of luck with your choice.
              RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
              "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."


                Is there a reason why you think Copaxone might make your MS worse, futurmil2b, or is it more of a general worry?


                  Originally posted by Alicious View Post
                  Is there a reason why you think Copaxone might make your MS worse, futurmil2b, or is it more of a general worry?
                  I guess its more of a general worry. I have not had any type "relapses" and I do not want to start having them once I start on Copaxone. Actually, I am doing ok as far as ms.. I can walk, still work full time, etc.

                  However, my main problem is I stay tensed a lot and have tightness.. which ativan does help a wee bit with that. And sitting all day at work on a computer does not help matters at all.. makes my neck/shoulders more tensed and bothers my right leg.. makes it a bit stiff.

                  Ms. Jay


                    I have just finished my first month of copax. I still can't bring myself to do manual injects... I know it is psychological, but whenever I try, I start to pass out.

                    However, I CAN do the autojects. And the fluttering I used to get with it has mostly gone away. So long as I don't SEE that needle, I'm fine. If I stare at it after injecting, I start to feel queasy again. So I just do a quick glance to make sure that I pulled out straight and that the tip hasn't broken off (again, my phobia acting out) and then I go dispose of the syringe/needle, bandage, clean up, etc.

                    After a few weeks, you settle into a routine. I've found that listening to music afterwards helps me ignore the burning from the injection, and then I can go to bed.


                      Newly diagnosed - starting Copaxone

                      I chose to start Copaxone after my diagnosis a week or so ago. Still waiting on doctor and insurance company to get meds. I am told that I am being proactive by starting the meds, but I am afraid to and afraid not to. The injections don't bother me as much as not knowing what it is really doing to my body. I know I should be only worrying about today and taking one day at a time. All of this is so easy to talk about until you actually have to do it. I hope I am making the right decision. I guess I won't know if I don't try.

