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No side effects from Avonex/Copaxone? Share here!

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    No side effects from Avonex/Copaxone? Share here!

    In another week, I will be deciding on medications with my neuro. It's narrowed down to Avonex or Copaxone. I've read tons of postings and information on all of the negative side effects of Avonex and Copaxone. Is anyone on either medication or has anyone used these without side effects or with minimal side effects? Please share!

    Also share tips on what you've done to reduce/eliminate side effects. I'd love to hear something positive as I embark on this journey.

    I have been using Copaxone for a little over three weeks. Therefore, I can only offer limited feedback on this therapy.

    NO side effects. Once I had slight bruising on my thigh; called shared solutions and was advised to put gentle pressure (with a cotton ball) on the injection site immediately after the injection. Hold the pressure for a minute or two. I did that and no more bruising.

    I do suggest that you keep accurate records of where you are injecting. Makes things a lot easier. Shared solutions was very helpful with insurance and sending a stack of material and a home visit by a nurse.

    I look at Copaxone as insurance. No one likes paying for insurance (or injecting them self on a daily basis) but when you need insurance it's wonderful to have it.

    Good luck in your search for information on these therapies. I searched for positive response on Copanone prior to starting because all I was seeing is negative. Posters are more likely to post (vent) about the negatives over the positives - those of us who just go on day to day without much Copaxone drama

    dxd August 2011 at age of 65


      While I did have initial issues with Copaxone (a month of on again, off again nausea; rare but a possible short term side effect), ever since then I've had no worrisome side effects at all. Yes, where I inject it a bit itchy, but it's totally manageable and really no big deal. It doesn't interfere with my life at all.

      I'm not sure if that is helpful or not, but I'm willing to be most people on either drug have either minimal or manageable side effects. What you usually read about is when people have stronger reactions; few people post about boring experiences with meds, as jacquez said.

      Good luck with your decision!


        The negative side effects of Avonex were pretty minimal for me. The first shot, I woke up with chills and aches, didn’t think I could go through that again. Even for a couple months, the side effects were more bothersome than the disease itself. But my body adapted. Once in a while I’d have a bad episode. But you’ll find people who have them far worse and have to stop the medicine, others who have little to no side effects.

        What I and others try to do: Hydrate. Take the medicine out of the refrigerator 1-4 hours ahead. Take acetaminophen or similar an hour ahead (and on the first shots maybe also take a dose another 4-6 hours before that), then take more before bed. Do the shot about 4-6 hours before sleep so you sleep off the worst of the side effects. Inject on Fridays or Saturdays so you don't feel icky at work (if you have a M-F job). I also had some post-injection bruising, mostly after the first couple dozen shots.

        Ask questions anytime!


          no sx with copaxone, except the site reactions. they don`t even happen when i manually inject (the sites i can reach, i manually inject).

          with avonex, i had the flu like sx that many experience. they did lessen over time.
          MS World

          PPMS DX 2001



            I just did my 9th dose of Avonex. The first 2 the side effects were the worst. Nausea, headache, chills, major body pains, but nothing I couldn't handle, and by the evening they were gone. (I do my shots before bed on Saturday night.)

            3rd dose - body pains, a little bit of a headache, nothing that Ibuprofen wouldn't control

            By the 6th dose or so the only side effect was the body pain.

            8th-9th dose - No side effects.

            I still take 800mg of Ibuprofen 30-60min before my shot just incase.
            Diagnosed Aug. 2011 - Currently on Tysabri


              Been taking Copaxone for about a year and a half... other than an occasional lump that felt tender for a while (probably got the shot into some muscle by mistake), have had no side effects. There was initially some burning feeling when I first started, but don't get that much anymore.


                No side effects from Avonex

                I took Avonex for 3 years and never had any side effects. The only reason I stopped was because the Tysabri clinical trial that I was in stopped adding Avonex to Tysabri so I stayed on the Tysabri alone.



                  No side effects with C,.... stating 5th year come spring.

                  Very pleased.




                    Whatever side-effects Avonex cause usually go away after a few shots. Naproxen before and several hours later can help. Bring the needle to room temp, and ice area for several minutes before. I also wear my ipod and crank up one of my favorite songs - usually something by Clapton.

                    Biggest avantage to Avonex is that it's just once a week.

                    Good luck.


                      I've been on Copaxone since June and no serious side effects. Redness at injection site and an initial burning but nothing that I can't handle. I'm just so thankful that there is something that can possibly slow the progression of this disease. To me it is just like taking any medication. It becomes a habit. I just take it right after my bath at night.
                      Actually I feel better the last 4 weeks than I have in a year and a half.


                        Avonex has caused almost no side effects. I took a low dose, 10mg, of Prednisone for the first few months about 6 hours before the shot. I still take 2 Naproxen (Aleve) shortly after the shot even though I probably don't need it. Pre medication with any OTC would not work for me since any side effects usually started about 3-4 hours after the shot in the beginning. Nothing now, shot Friday Morning and just go about my day.
                        Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


                          I have only been on copaxone. I just went off of it after two years using it, but that was because I am getting ready to plan a pregnancy. The only side effects I had were the site reactions, which I remember were really itchy and bad at first but they did get better.

                          I still got the big lumps but it is really not that bad. I don't think it is anything anyone can't handle. The needles are also pretty small. I choose copaxone because I was too afraid of the side effects with the other meds.


                            Just started my 3rd month of copaxone. Only injection site discomfort for a few minutes. No other side effects at all.



                              Can you tell us more about this?

                              I took a low dose, 10mg, of Prednisone for the first few months about 6 hours before the shot.

                              You posted this in a response above. I have chosen Avonex and am interested in what this is all about.

                              ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
                              Dx the first time: 10/25/11
                              Avonex 1/12-10/12
                              Revaluation of Dx 10/12
                              Rediagnosis 7/14

