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    I am going to talk to my Neuro about depression I think I am starting to get the symptoms of depression, my question is are there any low cost medications for depression ?


    Dynoman. Yes, there are many.

    Here is a list of medications you can get for $4.00 per month at Walmart. Go over the list with your doctor, but here are the basics:

    1) Older doesn't mean it doesn't work well, it usually means a higher potential for side effects.

    2) Some side effects are good. Trazadone, for example will put you straight to sleep if you take it at night. Amytryptaline is good for nerve pain as well as depression.

    3) Celexa is considered to have a high antidepressant effect with very low side effects.

    4) You should be exercising - exercise is nature's own antideprssant and it will help your MS.

    5) I've suffered with depresion and the most amazing book I've ever read for explaining why it happens and how to stop it is called "The mindful way through Depression" . Check it out from the library. You will be glad you did.

    one more thing: If you really need a quick boost, they're expensive, but buproprion is like an instant energy and happy pill. Ritalin may help too.

    Good luck.


      Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) will help with depression. LDN boosts your body's endorphin production 2-300% the day after you take it. Endorphins make you feel good and I have yet to hear of anyone who feels depressed after taking LDN.

      LDN costs about $35 a month, without insurance.

      Malic Acid in combination with Magnesium helps with depression as well as reducing fatigue and pain. Why? Malic Acid is the precursor to Fumaric Acid, which is produced by our cells to sunshine / vitamin D. The new MS BG12 drug is based on Fumaric Acid, currently used for Psoriasis treatment.

      What does sunshine / vitamin do? It produces endorphins.

      What do endorphins do? They are hormones that increase pleasure and reduce pain. They also regulate the immune system.

      I am of the opinion that most MS patients do too many drugs. You may want to try increasing your endorphin production first with direct sunshine, vitamin D, exercise, LDN, first, with the added benefit of helping to control the disease itself.


        Definitely. Celexa and Zoloft in generic forms are very cheap ($4 at Walmart cheap for Celexa) and work very well for many people with garden variety depression.

