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Spasms vs spasticity

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    Spasms vs spasticity

    In my journeys here I've noted a differentiation between spasms and spasticity. Is the MS hug from spasms, or is it spasticity of the muscles between your ribs?

    I'm asking because I will see my doctor in mid November and I want to have some questions prepared. Like, should I be taking Zanaflex for spasms if it's really meant for spasticity? What are some meds that are more specifically for spasms? I've seen some names; I'll have to search through my posts.

    My mother wants me to make a list of symptoms I've noticed, like I've been dropping things a lot, falling down a lot more, bumping into things more. Is that a side-effect of something I'm taking?

    I'm on Betaseron, Lyrica, Nortriptyline, Zoloft, Zanaflex, and Ambien. What is each of those drugs adding to the mix? What can go and what needs to stay? I consider the Zanaflex almost worthless to me because it just knocks me out. Does it help the pain? Who knows? I'm unconscious. And yes, I've tried taking less. Then it doesn't help at all.

    If anyone feels like a good Samaritan today, please help me out with some info on whether MS hug is spasticity or spasms, and what drugs might be better for spasms rather than spasticity. Thank you!!

    Proud Mom of three kids!
    dx'd 1996

    Hello Hawkgirl,

    Muscle spasms is part of what spasticity is --- muscle spasms, muscle tightness, stiffness and the pain it creates.

    Information about spasticity:

    The National Multiple Sclerosis Society says the "hug" is a sensory symptom. I have heard Neurologists say it's muscle spasms. Some have had relief with anti-spasticity meds and meds such as Benzodiazepines (Valium).

    Information about the "hug"
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      I fight the muscle spasms/spacticity a lot. The Zanaflex (generic is Tizanidine) does knock a person out, but I have found it to be the best thing for my own muscle spasms/spasticity. So I take it at bedtime only- it helps me sleep and it really gives my body a break, takes care of the the really bad spasticity.

      Now, my neuro and I have been on the search to find a good daytime medication to help with the muscle spasms. I was on baclofen, but it was also making me tired. Not knock-you-out tired like the Zanaflex, but enough of an issue that I wasn't able to get anything else done during the day.

      There are a whole bunch of different meds for muscle spasms and spasticity and they all work in different ways. Depending on how bad yours are, there are a ton of options. I've tried a bunch of different ones! I think we might have hit on one that sort of works without making me extra tired.

      I would definitely classify the MS hug as a muscle spasm/spasticity, but that is in the way that I experience it. It is more of a muscle spasm to me, not a burning. It is a tightness, like a rubberband. You can feel the muscles tightening there. My neuro classifies it as spasticity also.

      If the muscle spasms/spasticity are an issue for you, then there ARE better options during the daytime than the Zanaflex. Just talk to your neuro about it. Baclofen works great, but can make you sleepy (though not like Zanaflex). It just kind of depends on what your neuro likes to use first.

      Hope this helps!

      doing the Limbo since 2005

