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Weight gain with dmds

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    Weight gain with dmds

    Do all dmds make you gain weight? In have read on here that cop axone can. Do any of the others?

    Thanks for your input
    ~seeuinct (Connecticut)
    Dx the first time: 10/25/11
    Avonex 1/12-10/12
    Revaluation of Dx 10/12
    Rediagnosis 7/14

    When I was getting my tolerance up with Beta, the last thing I wanted to do was eat.
    I just felt blah a lot, like when you have the flu.


      I have lost weight with Rebif and then Ty.
      I have also made huge changes in what I eat. No more candy and pepsi. Less red meat and more fish and chicken, and less of an appetite helps.

      I had lost 20 lbs on my treadmill 2 years ago, and wanted to keep it off since I can't use it any longer.


        The weight gain is usually caused by eating too much. Try to eat less and exercise a little, even walking in place in a pool will work.
        Scuba, true meaning of Life! USS Wilkes Barre 91, USS Monitor 96, 97, 99 .. Andrea Doria 96, 98 .. San Francisco Maru 09


          No gain here. I think it's more about people not regulating their food than the meds actually causing weight issues.

