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    Has anyone taken intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)? I’m curious to know what effect, if any, it had on your MS. I had my first 5 days recently, without any substantial side effects and am finding my fatigue is better. I am not RR but Secondary Progressive/ Relapsing.

    Would love to hear what anyone has to say. thx


    I have been doing IViG for 5 years now. Taking a break right now until Dec. In a big flare w/steroids right now.
    Last IViG was last Monday. I got it once a month after the first 5 day intro. Two years ago went to every 2 weeks at half dose. I had great results. Well... good results. Within 24 to 48 hours I had energy. Got a lot of house work done.
    After you have been on it for awhile you can tell when it time for your next IV. A few of us that took IVs at the same time would say it was time for our "Juice". I dread being off of it for 6 to 8 weeks. Don't know whats gonna happen. I also was able to walk better on it.
    Give it a chance. It works wonders for some, and for some not so much.
    I hope it works for you as it does me and my friends.


      I have taken it but only did it one month and then found out I was pregnant and stopped it. I am definitely considering it after delivery. It's between that or Tysabri and I have no idea which way to go so hopefully we can get lots of feedback regarding IVIG and how successful it was for others. I'm exhausted all other treatment options..nothing works and I'm having relapses every 3 months, even in pregnancy! I'm currently in one now and it's definitely the worst one I've ever had...desperate for something that works!!



        thx so much to both of you for you input/experience with IVIG.



          thx again.... will keep you posted....... please do the same for me

