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Copaxone possible allergy question

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    Copaxone possible allergy question

    About ten days ago I started to develop some rash on the limbs. It first started out like small raised red dots and after several hours they started to connect, moving from my elbows towards my hands, itching like dickens. I went to a dermatologist and he said that it is an allergic reaction to something but he isn't sure. I had the same thing happen on my thighs and knees and it spread all the way down to the ankle on the left leg. It is burning/itching and after using steroid ointments and antihistamins, it still turned worse. It changed color to deep red/purple and started oozing and I had pain in my joints. I got some oral prednisolone and was told it should get better. It was a little better, the purple lesions are dissappearing but there is a new rash spreading in the areas next to the old. I tried to contact my neuro in the US but he didn't get back to me if I should stop my medication or if this could be anyhow related to Copaxone.

    I am a little scared since I am in a foreign country, we moved here about two months ago. C is not sold here because of the manufacturer. The dermatologist told me that I can only get the allergy test done, once I am done with the rash, healed and healthy, but also I have to have at least two weeks off Copaxone. I remember one of the ladies had allergy issues with C and got tested for it. Can you guys give me some ideas on how to proceed? I am itching terribly, cannot take a shower or I would scratch my skin raw, can't wear anything but sweat pants and am not allowed to get sweaty, do any exercise or walk... I am slowly going crazy.
    Thanks for any help,
    RRMS Diagnosed December 2009,
    on Copaxone December 2009-October 2011 -
    Starting interferons hopefully soon.

    Honestly, it sounds more like shingles than an allergy? Have you looked into that?
    DX RRMS 10/09/2003
    COPAXONE 10/09/2003


      We looked into that, and it is def not shingles. I have hives. It has been around for 2 weeks now. I have to sleep with a really strong antihistamin so I don't scratch myself raw or wake up.

      All my limbs are covered in rash and it is still spreading. The old rash is healing slowly leaving behind a purplish brownish scar tissue. It looks bad. I have to start tapering off the steroids today but I am not sure I will be able to withstand the urge to scratch. I was told not to eat a number of things. In fact I could count on one hand what I can eat or drink.

      I suspended my Copaxone treatment for a week to see if I get any relief. Doc said that I had a strong allergic reaction to something but we don't know what. Everytime I eat/drink something with histamins in it my rash comes back for more.

      So now I am stuck with boiled rice and carrots Can't even have bubbly water, juice, bananas, mangos, a great number of fruits, spinach, fish, legumes, eggs, soy. I am vegetarian. My diet consisted of the above mentioned
      RRMS Diagnosed December 2009,
      on Copaxone December 2009-October 2011 -
      Starting interferons hopefully soon.


        Wow - so sorry to hear that you are having these problems.

        It could be the copaxone - I know someone who was on it for two months before they had a severe allergic reaction.

        I would also be suspicious about the fact that you moved overseas two months ago. There could be something in products that you are using or things you were eating that is different than in the US.

        I wish you good luck finding out what is going on.

