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When do you take your anti-depression meds?

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    When do you take your anti-depression meds?

    I always take mine at night but I am wondering if I should take them during the day. I have fatigue really bad and am wondering if it would help or make it worse. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I take mine at night for 2 reasons. IF if makes me sleepy, I'd rather it be when I want to go to sleep. Plus, I have narcolepsy, lots and lots of dreams are a part of it. My sleep Dr. who also happens to be my neuro told me it would help shorten the length of my dream time. I looked it up on the web, what can I say I'm a pessimist sometimes, and that's true. I want the fullest impact of the med to be while sleeping adn my body goes through meds quickly.
    What if trials of this life
    Are Your mercies in disguise?
    "Blessings; Laura Story"


      My doc prescribed taking mine in the morning.

      It has to be taken with food, too.


        I'm on Sertraline (generic for Zoloft), and was told to take it in the morning because it can cause insomnia in some people.

        I'm guessing it depends on the med in question.




            I take it in the A.M.
            Lord, keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my mouth. Unknown


              Hello Amanda8,

              Anti-Depressants (ADs) affect each person differently and each anti-depressant has different side effects. Some can make you tired and some have a "wake-up" affect.

              If you find the AD you are taking is causing more fatigue then try taking it at night. If, on the other hand, the AD is keeping you awake at night take it in the morning.

              If the AD continues to cause fatigue, talk to your prescribing doctor about trying a different AD.
              Diagnosed 1984
              “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                Does anyone find that antidepressants help with fatigue? When I last went in to see my neurologist, Prozac was suggested because the Nuvigil I had been taking lost effectiveness and the amantadine made my vision blurry. I was against the idea because I'm not depressed and I really didn't want to take something I didn't really feel was necessary. We finally settled on Adderall XR and it really works wonders but I'm concerned about long term effects like dependance and the like and I'm always keeping my eyes open for alternatives.


                  what anti-depressant are you taking? and what type of anti-depressant are you taking?


                    Originally posted by andeolus View Post
                    Does anyone find that antidepressants help with fatigue?
                    For me, yes. I have no idea how common it is, but it turns out that my fatigue was 100% depression related. I'm on an AD, and now I have normal energy levels again. Go figure.

                    The way I see it is that it it is easier to determine if fatigue is depression related than MS related. If the AD works for you, you have an answer right there. If not, it could be MS or MS and depression, and you'll need to do more hunting for the cause and for what you can do to help.


                      Medicines which make most people drowsy, make me wake up. If you check the label on most drugs, they'll show both drowsiness and insomnia as side effects.

                      So you can just experiment and see - that's the best way. your doctor doesn't know how *you* will react.


                        Celexa taken in the morning.


                          Depends on the med. My Cymbalta I take in the morning, as instructed, as it doesn't have a drowziness component and at times can make me a little "too up". My trazedone I take at night, since it is often used as a sleep aid.
                          Diagnosis: May, 2008
                          Avonex, Copaxone, Tysabri starting 8/17/11


                            Originally posted by Alicious View Post
                            I'm on Sertraline (generic for Zoloft), and was told to take it in the morning because it can cause insomnia in some people.

                            I'm guessing it depends on the med in question.
                            How long have you been on Zoloft.. I took it a few months ago and seems like it made my anxiety 3x worst. Trying it again.. took 25mg this morning after breakfast.. did ok but muscles seemed to be getting a bit tight.

                            I stay tensed and tight anyway.. I took Zoloft around 6:30am and took low dose ativan around 8:30am.. I noticed when ativan was wearing off is when I begin to get a bit tighter...

                            Should I try to stick it out with Zoloft.. so tired of feeling so tight and tensed up.. will Zoloft help with that??

                            Ms. Jay


                              I take Wellbuterin twice a day, usually around 3 p.m. and when I go to bed at 11 p.m. I don't have any problem with fatigue with Wellbuterin and have heard that it can actually give you an energy boost.

                              But I also take 200 mg of alpha lipoic acid and 1,000 mg of acetyl L-carnitine every morning, so that horrible fatigue I used to have for years is not an issue anymore. (Though these 14-hour days I work on Wednesdays and Thursdays wear me out!)
                              Joy is not the absence of suffering. It is the presence of God.
                              Cut aspartame from my diet in 2012 and my symptoms have slowly disappeared. Interesting!
                              Alpha Lipoic Acid (200 mg) + Acetyl L-carnitine (1,000 mg) = No more fatigue for me!

