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Still waiting

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    Still waiting

    A small vent, saw the neuro for the MRI and sleep study results. He still thinks MS but with only one lesion he was hesitant to dx 100%. He is afraid that a dx will put blinders on any other doc and lump any and all future symptoms as MS and prevent them from fixing any other illnesses should they come up.

    He wanted to do another MRI since I have a flare up that started 3 days (and still going 5 weeks later) after the last MRI but was worried insurance wouldn't cover it. He said we could start treatment right now for MS but the side effects of the shots were feeling like you were hit with the flu. So for my current flare up he gave me lidocaine patches and said that if the burning numbness got worse or spread to call him right away, or if it appeared on my face. Currently, since Friday the 3rd, it has spread down to my foot, up my arm, and a little bit on my chin, all on the same side. And I am having tremors in my right leg.

    He ordered an LP and we are waiting for the insurance pre approval.

    As as for the sleep study, apparently my brain wakes up (some of which I am aware of and some not) 40x an HOUR. So that explains most of the fatigue, brain fog, and memory issues. Also bought a mouth guard from the dentist that he made specially for me, to help with the teeth grinding. To bad I take it out while I am still asleep, so it's not working to well.

    See the neuro again in 2-4 weeks to see how things are, and he will call me immediately when he gets the results from the LP after its done. I hate waiting!!!


    They are moving quickly. The LP is scheduled for Friday the 17th, getting a CPAP machine Monday. I have to call him Monday because my finger tips started burning, and went numb, along with my right leg, chin and foot. Lost my balance yesterday and fell, which is humiliating. That's it for now.


      I don't know where you live in the 'United States', but an LP isn't always the definitive diagnostic tool. My neurologist never told me to do one. The diagnostic measurement is calculated by using the most recent McDonald criteria. I am not a doctor but I am sure that you can get a proper diagnosis by consulting an MS specialist. You need to ask the neurologist, point blank, if he is an MS specialist.
      I am not saying that it is wrong to do an LP. I am simply saying that the LP is kind of 'invasive' and has been reported to be very uncomfortable. I wish you well but having an LP is not always 100% needed for an MS diagnosis. You may want to question that decision. Good luck. Find an MS specialist !

