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My story thus far....and a few questions

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    My story thus far....and a few questions

    Hi , everyone , so here is my story.

    It started about a year ago. I was having many dizzy spells, and my hands were tingling day and night. Especially when I went to sleep. Also, was having some eye issues, including light sensitivity and floaters. After about 6 months of this, finally got into a neurologist. Ordered a carpal tunnel test and mri of brain and brain stem. At that point i had very slight carpal tunnel and my brain MRI turned out completely normal. In the meantime, my dizziness has stopped and the tingly hands have stopped during the day. Went to see two eye doctors who both said they could see nothing wrong with my eyes. At that time my neuro also ordered a c-spine mri. Turned out completely normal, other than two herniated dics in my C-6, C-7 area. Two other little things started in the meantime. My right knee sometimes feels tight and weak, and also, it seems I sweat alot lately. When looking on the internet i have almost convinced myself it seems i have PPMS. I have even went as far as to ask my neuro for a LP, to which she said no, and not at this time since my MRI have showed nothing. She basically said she would see me back in 6 months for any changes.

    So what am i to do? Went to neuro and eye doctors who said they see nothing. Even though I think PPMS. I guess I just have to wait to see changes in 6 months??

    Unfortunately there is really nothing you can do other than seek opinion after opinion from the medical community. The frustration with this is you will collect a gamut of opinions and may not receive an actual diagnosis. Only you can decide how much time and energy you want to put into it.

    I had an "attack" of neuro symptoms in 2006 and sought out several medical opinions. Everyone agreed something was wrong with me, but no one could agree on how many lesions were on my brain or what caused them and my symptoms. MS specialist said it was likely MS, but she later changed her mind.

    I stopped looking after this because I no longer had the time and energy to search and I made a complete recovery anyway. The time between then and now was wonderful as I was fine and nothing happened. I put the past out of my mind and figured it would never happen again given it had been so long.

    Not so lucky as it came back in September and unfortunately this time I have been left with residual symptoms. Again no one agrees on the diagnosis. First neuro says I have a white matter brain disease, but not MS. He didn't even want to figure it out and sent me to MS specialist who says it is identical to MS, but without lesions it is impossible to say.

    So what do you do? I don't want to spend my life looking and would love to go back to my normal self, but this isn't happening. It's very scary because now I have a slight disability and I have no idea when and if I will have another attack. Horrible feeling to be ill and not have a fighting chance to battle whatever it is. I hope you get better or are able to get answers.


      Hello J-er,

      I have not seen you post for awhile and had hoped you had put the thought of MS behind you.

      Have you seen an Orthopedist about your herniated disc's? Herniated disc's can cause neurological symptoms especially if they are compressing or impinging on the spinal cord.

      Take care.
      Diagnosed 1984
      “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


        Originally posted by SNOOPY View Post
        Hello J-er,

        I have not seen you post for awhile and had hoped you had put the thought of MS behind you.

        Have you seen an Orthopedist about your herniated disc's? Herniated disc's can cause neurological symptoms especially if they are compressing or impinging on the spinal cord.

        Take care.
        Thanks Snoopy. I agree. I am going to a neuro surgeon next month, with a follow up with my neurologist a month after that. For the most part, I have tried to put the MS thought behind me. their are times I think even if I have it, lets just keep moving on, as I have a family to keep me going. and at least for now, nothing that I have is
        debilitating me to the point I "cant " do something. One day at a time I guess!

