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In Canada, when your Neurologist sucks.....

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    In Canada, when your Neurologist sucks.....

    In Canada when your Neurologist sucks, you do not have the right to a second opinion. Ok, ok he probably doesn't suck. But he is a stroke specialist who told me on my first visit that there was no way I had MS and he wouldn't be sending me for an MRI if my GP already hadn't ordered it. Left side muscle spasms, muscle twitches, electric shocks,heat sensitivity, vertigo, dizziness, numbness in foot, hand and cheek when overheated and a left leg that gets so stiff and spasms that being on it for too long cause a lot of pain and discomfort. He then tells me that there is no pain with MS so that is proof right there that it can not be that. Now I know it might not be MS but I have had these symptoms for a year. They have tested for every deficiency. They have done loads of bloodwork for other possibilities. Still nothing. They said " It will go away eventually." But a year later and I am still having these symptoms. And I am stuck in a system that not only will not allow me to see a Dr who specializes in MS but will not even let me have a second opinion. So frustrating.

    It sounds like we have a lot in common fellow Canadian. I too also live in the land of limbo and unfortunately was brought back here after 8 years of blissful relief.

    My experience is that you can get second, third and even fourth opinions, but this only leads to greater frustration and confusion as the doctors never agree.

    I had horrible onset of neuro symptoms eight years ago and was told originally it was a thyroid problem, to then be told it was probably MS and then not MS. The doctor's could not even agree on the MRI findings and I was told I had two lesions, no lesions and then five lesions.

    My greatest frustration was the doctors saw and acknowledged my deficits, but none of them would even speculate or continue to look for an answer. Thank goodness I improved and lived in peaceful, ignorant bliss for the last eight years.

    Now due to re-occurrence here I am again and already the confusion has begun. GP thought it must be MS as not many diseases would remit for such a long time. MRI shows one spot but radiologist thinks it's a calcium deposit. GP now doesn't think it's MS and wants me to see general neuro. Went to hospital on weekend for bladder problems and ER doctor thinks it's MS related, gave me meds and referred me to MS clinic. Now I have two upcoming neuro appointments and I guarantee you there will be very different answers and opinions. The question is which one do you believe?

    If you push your GP for another referral I am sure they will give you one. There are plenty of doctors willing to see patients, but the problem is you will get so many differing opinions you wont know what to think.

    Here's hoping for answers.


      That sounds so frustrating. I hope you find some answers.

      My GP did send another referral. It's been denied. I was literally told there is no option to see another Neurologist. My GP is frustrated too as she believes it's MS and I need to see an MS Dr. I went to ER when the left side of my face went numb. The ER Dr. ( given my other symptoms ) said he thought it was MS. He phone up to the MS clinic and the MS doc said with relapsing remitting symptoms we don't see them. Go home and work through your GP.


        Incorrect information from your doc

        Any chance there is a medical board to whom you could report the doctor? It is now accepted that MS can cause pain - though many doctors who either don't have experience with MS, or who haven't bothered to keep up to date, don't know this.

        If you search these boards or the NMSS site, you should be able to find a reference to medical journal articles that state this. And they are a couple years old by now.

        Would this get you the opportunity to see another specialist? I'm in the U.S., and I had to press to see a specialist after being diagnosed by a general neuro. And I've had to "fire" doctors along the way, too, so I've become pretty cutthroat with bad doctors and uncooperative insurance companies.


          Thank you for you suggestion. I can make a report to Alberta Health but anyone who lives here knows that that won't do much. I wish so badly I could hire and fire. Docs here work for the government not the patients. I am just going to have to go in with as many medical journals as I can to show him he is off base on his assumptions of MS. He believes MS has no pain, MS symptoms to not fluctuate from day to day and that all MS cases will present with an unsteady gait. He asked my to squat and when I did he was like " definitely not MS ". Sigh

