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MS or Lupus: Which is "Better?"

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    MS or Lupus: Which is "Better?"

    Hi there. I first posted a year ago, at the beginning of trying to figure out what was going on with my brain. I have now seen a total of four neurologists. The first two were pretty disappointing. The first had thought MS, but when I had no bands in my CSF, he decided it was all migraine related. Yeah. NEXT! Second doctor never even looked at my MRI images, just read radiologist report. I found that weird. She focused on my mental health, I think, told me sometimes we just have to wait until symptoms get bad enough to diagnose MS. I had just had a major car accident that had affected my speech, word finding, and made me a bit tender, too. And by then, I was clear something was up with my brain. So yeah, I cried at some point in her office. And I was getting a divorce. She wanted me to have a psych eval to determine the extent of my memory loss, so she said. I had a bad gut feeling, so I moved on.

    Third doc thought that aside from a concussive syndrome, I sounded like an MS person to her. She ordered another MRI, with contrast this time. No major enhancements, but she was still thinking MS. She wanted a spinal xray in space (or something like that), meaning I would be standing when the xray happened, instead of seeing the spine in a static way. I understood where she was coming from, but I was a little afraid of how much radiation that sounded like. That was right about at the end of the year, and by the new year, I couldn't see her anymore (insurance change).

    After waiting for a referral on my new plan to see a neurologist, nine months passed. The upshot is that I LOVE this neurologist. She is smart, she listens, and she treats me and my mind with respect. She talks to me as an intelligent collaborator, not a stupid patient.

    She ordered yet another MRI with contrast. No clear enhancements or new lesions (forgot to say, I have lesions all over my brain, two in the central pons, where she said they should not be). She was 95% sure MS, but asked me to do another spinal tap to see if any bands showed up. Nope, clear as a bell.

    By then I had been reading about MS and also about mimicking diseases. That made me remember some other, less annoying symptoms I have, such as Reynaud's, photosensitivity when spring and summer seasons come, and a rash over my nose and cheeks - sometimes more pronounced than others. I also have some neuropathy in my feet and lower legs....

    I tell my dear neuro this, and she says,"well, before you started talking, I was ready to say MS. I consulted with a colleague, and he said 'that is an MS brain.' But the more you talk, the less sure I am. These other symptoms are not MS symptoms, but they are Lupus. And Lupus or something Lupus-like is the only other think that would make your brain look like that (i.e. all the spots/lesions)."

    So although she would have been willing, if I really wanted, to stop there and call it MS, she asked if I would be willing to see one more doc, a rheumatologist, to outrule the Lupus possibility.

    So so many of my symptoms match what you all deal with, it's not even funny. But then I have these peripheral nervous system symptoms. So I understand why she wonders. Limbo really sucks, but I don't want the wrong diagnosis, don't want to take the serious drugs for nothing...

    Here are my questions for you guys.

    1. Would I be better off if I end up having lupus - to me they both seem like short straws to the way doc says the chances of me having both ms and lupus are very small. It would be like being hit by a crater twice. I thought that was funny.

    2. Should I push someone to deal with my concussive syndrome too? I understand that everyone wants to deal with my abnormal MRI. But ever since the accident, I have speech issues, especially when I am tired. Sometimes the wrong word altogether comes out. I know it is wrong as soon as it's out there - it's very frustrating, as I have always been articulate. Also sometimes I can't find a word. Or, sometimes I have a bit a slur. All this is worse when I am really tired or stressed. I know from reading that sometimes concussive stuff is so small it doesn't show even on an MRI. My great doc seems to think that the accident just triggered lesions in the area/s in charge of speech and memory, but it's all MS. What do the armchair MD's here think? I never had these problems before the accident. Other MS or Lupus things, but not those.

    3. Does Lupus have that remitting quality. I ask because sometimes I clearly am having a worsening of something, and it can go on for weeks it seems, and then it backs off, maybe still present, or maybe some stuff seems to go away.

    I may be waiting for a few months to get into a rheumo. There are few of them on my insurance plan. Boo. But in the meantime, my neuro has me lined up to receive Aubagio as soon as we clear the rheumo. hurdle. Do you guys like that medicine?

    I am in my forties with a dear daughter to finish raising. I don't want to lose any more of my memories - or anything else - if I can help it. I do feel I am in good hands with this doc. But I can tell that I will still have to be a strong advocate for myself.

    I hope I didn't talk too long. I thank anyone who bothers to comment for taking the time.


    Hi shakenandstirred,

    Would I be better off if I end up having lupus - to me they both seem like short straws to the way doc says the chances of me having both ms and lupus are very small.
    I would agree, both are short straws I don't know what the odds are for having both MS and Lupus but approximately 6 years ago my son had a girlfriend who's mother had both Lupus and Multiple Sclerosis.

    Does Lupus have that remitting quality.

    Should I push someone to deal with my concussive syndrome too?

    I have speech issues, especially when I am tired. Sometimes the wrong word altogether comes out. I know it is wrong as soon as it's out there - it's very frustrating, as I have always been articulate. Also sometimes I can't find a word. Or, sometimes I have a bit a slur. All this is worse when I am really tired or stressed.
    You might talk to your Neurologist or another Dr. about getting a NeuroPsych evaluation/testing.

    NeuroPsych testing is done for different reasons such as Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and more.

    Information about NeuroPsych evaluation/testing:
    Diagnosed 1984
    “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


      Not sure which is better

      Hi, Shakenandstirred,

      I am sorry you are going through all of this. One of the things my primary care doctor did when I told her I was afraid I had MS was to send me to rheumatology to rule out Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and other auto-immune diseases. Once they were ruled out, she sent me to a neurologist. So ruling it out is pretty much par for course.

      My first neurologist ran all the right tests. I had abnormal MRI with flares, and abnormal opthalmic evoked potential tests, but because my spinal did not show C bands, she would not diagnose me. She thought the flares were due to my *well-controlled* hypertension. It also didn't explain my trouble finding words, even if I have them in my brain (like you described), much less all the other symptoms I was having. Trouble finding words was especially scary for me because, as a lawyer, I depend on my ability to communicate.

      I went to a second neurologist who specialized in MS. He said that if I had presented with all of my symptoms and test results and was age 35 (I was 55 at the time) it would be a no-brainer that I had MS. So we talked more and repeated the MRI, and he diagnosed me. I've been on Copaxone for 7 months and feel like I have made positive progress.

      My neurologist gave me the choice of Copaxone (which has been on the market for over 20 years) and another med (I don't remember the name - sorry). After much research, I opted for the Copaxone since it was a three-times/week injection and the main side effects tended to be site injection redness, itching and pain. The other one had a lot of stomach/GI issues that I didn't want to deal with. But, I would not counter your doctor's advice.

      Hang in there! Being your own strong advocate is extremely important.

      I hope this helps,
      Symptoms started around 2000, Diagnosed with RRMS April 2014, On Copaxone.


        Thanks, Snoopy and Melissa

        I am sorry, I am probably putting this reply in the wrong place. I am a dork, clearly.

        Snoopy, thank you for all your replies to my individual ponderences. I really appreciate it. It sounds like Lupus really is an awesome mimicker, indeed. It will be interesting to see which way this goes for me. And Wow, that you knew someone with both MS and Lupus! Apparently, craters to on occasion hit twice....

        Your comment on NeuroPsych testing is interesting to me. I didn't know that, and no one explained that to me. So thanks! I feel like I overwhelm doctors, because there is almost always more than one thing to deal with at a time, even before TBI and a lesions were the issues. It's just what my body has been like for the longest time. Seems like so many doctors just can only consider one thing/one issue at a time. I don't know how to fix that for them. I guess all I can do is be honest and tell them what is going on and hope they can hang in there with me....

        Melissa, thank you for your kind note. Interesting that you, too had that same thing of a doc looking at your clean CSF and setting aside MS as a diagnosis. I am glad you had someone properly diagnose you, and the Copaxaone (sp?) is helping. My Dr. seems pretty keen on trying this Aubagio. She said she feels good about it because the side effects are relatively low, and also because it has been used in other capacities for a long time, like more than twenty years. It sort of feels like a crap shoot, hoping to get the right drug to make a difference. I am guessing it's made more challenging because my lesions are all over the place, but that is just a guess on my part.

        I totally commiserate with you about the fear of losing your verbosity as a lawyer. I'm no lawyer, but before I was the 24/7 Mom, my working life was Sales/Marketing/PR. All about how well I can use my brain and my words, think and speak on my feet. Oddly enough, it seems to have never affected my ability to write my thoughts. I can write without any of the glitches that I can experience verbally. My daughter went through a period where she would kind of draw attention to my fumbles, but I think she is beginning to understand now that it's really upsetting for me, and it's not under my control. Is there a chance it might still get better for us - the verbal stuff - or is that permanent, do you think?

        Thanks again for your replies. Limbo is a bit lonely, and I am quite alone in this right now. I am strong, but very alone. I mean, there is my 77 year old awesome Mom, and my dear daughter, but they need me to be the strong one. it's nice to be able to talk about this stuff.


          UPDATE - Rheumatology Appt. Soon!

          Good News!

          Yesterday afternoon, I got a call from the Rheumatologist's office that is part of the large group my Neurologist is part of. They said they got my doc's referral request for an appointment...and they had a spot for me December 16th! Wahoo! That is so soon! When her office had put a regular referral through a week ago, it was going to be March. So that means my doctor asked personally. I am amazed to have such a doctor after so many without that kind of follow through at commitment. It's almost overwhelming, but it a good way.

          Today I had another call, and the Rheumatology would like me to get some more blood taken today, so that she will have results by the time I see her! Apparently it's 11 more tests, on top of the panel my neurologist had already ordered in anticipation of this appointment. I am hoping this really will tell enough of the story for some conclusions to be made. I am really impressed that this doc is also going to such effort to get me answers faster than slower. Very grateful!


            I met a lady at one of the MS education dinners a few years ago who had MS, lupus, and PCOS. Visually she looked bad with the beard, the "mask" of lupus, and other lupus spots on her skin, but instead may be one of the most beautiful people I've ever met in my life. I truly wish I had some contact information for her, but back then I was newly diagnosed and skittish about making real life friends with the people I was meeting. I truly regret that.

            Dangit, now I'm all sad.


              Hi shakenandstirred,

              I thought you might be interested in a thread. There are those on MSWorld you have been diagnosed with MS and Lupus.

              Best wishes with your Rheumatologist appointment.
              Diagnosed 1984
              “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                Hi football-mom,

                Originally posted by football-mom View Post
                I met a lady at one of the MS education dinners a few years ago who had MS, lupus, and PCOS.
                I'm not sure why Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) was mentioned but there is no connection to MS or Lupus for PCOS.
                Diagnosed 1984
                “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


                  To Snoopy

                  Snoopy, I wanted to say Thanks Again for your posts. I wish I could tell where I could post just to one reply specifically, but I can't see that option - I am probably just being a dork

                  I wanted you to know that I asked my primary to send me to speech therapy, for some of my verbal stuff that started happening after the car accident- that I think is NOT related to MS.

                  I AM SO GLAD I AM GOING!!!! It is way more than about speech, in fact we really are not focused on speech at all. She is figuring out what parts of attention are most difficult for me, when I am most challenged my multitasking and so on. I feel like I am going to come out of this with strategies, and already I am seeing that I have to do what I can do to take some stress off my brain.

                  As an example, when I am chopping veggies, to not have the TV in the background, my Mom behind me at the sink, a dog barking and a kid wanting my attention. I am more likely to cut myself. I know that sounds silly. But before the accident, before the accident this kind of thing wasn't a problem. Nor were som of my focus issues, and my memory problems weren't so pronounced.

                  And I have found those things so difficult. I am seeing that I have to do what I can to not make my brain have to work so hard all the time, that it is okay to take breaks and such. It is more than I can explain in this late night moment, but it is making me feel like if I learn to restructure some, do something like Lumosity, maybe my verbal stuff won't continue to get worse, maybe my memory will get better. I like thinking that the brain is amazing, and maybe I could at least hang onto what I have and maybe get something back....maybe it won't, but I will feel like I did what I could, anyway.

                  The MS diagnosis is scary, because I have spots in so many places, I feel like I have no idea where it will go, how it will impact me. I know that there are lesions in the areas that affect my senses, affect memory, so I know things could get worse. But at least I am doing this for my brain.

                  Oh! See? That goofy memory again! What I really wanted to tell you, Snoopy, is that my doc is also having her assistant find me a Neuro Psychiatrist, as you had mentioned it might not be a bad idea. The speech therapist thought it wouldn't be a bad idea as well. Don't have an appt. yet, assume it will be months, but it will get done.

                  Thanks for the replies, and I am sorry it has been so long since I wrote. Next note will be an update.


                  ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **


                    Some Updates - LONG and LONG OVERDUE- Sorry

                    To the kind people who replied to my original posts, thank you for your time and kindness. I am sorry it has been so long since I wrote. All those appointments were happening right at the crux of the holidays, and it was a little stressful to say the least. I also have been sick - in a garden variety way - since the beginning of November. Sinus infections, then bronchitis and probably walking pneumonia. And it was the holidays, so I didn't take the best care of myself, so I could make sure a nice holiday happened for my little family, so I didn't bounce back very well. Subsequently, all activity became just about doing what i had to do. I am guessing you understand/know what those moments are like.

                    I apologize ahead of time if I am repeating myself.

                    I had a rheumatology appt a few days before Christmas. I have pretty high antibodies for Scleroderma. I have had them for at least a decade, but they are a lot higher than they have been in the past. But the doc thinks the disease isn't active in me, because I don't have the characteristic tight skin. And although I do have a few patches of skin that might indicate a type of scleroderma, it's not the kind that would make the lesions seen in the MRI, only the widespread kind of scleroderma would do that.

                    She did say it was clear that autoimmune stuff is happening in my family, so it would be more likely for me to have some autoimmune trouble. But she didn't think that there was anything going on right now that was causing the MS like lesions - nothing in her wheelhouse.

                    Now the bummer was, we didn't talk AT ALL about LUPUS specifically! Apparently what happened, is that as soon as my doctor and this rheum. saw those antibodies of mine for scleroderma, they focused in on outruling that. My doc later said they spoke over the phone about Lupus, and that the doc didn't think my bloodwork looked like Lupus...

                    With that, my neurologist declared her comfort in moving forward with putting me on Aubagio, and she seemed pretty motivated to get it going asap. It has taken since November to get the drug company, the insurance and who knows who else to finally send me the medicine. However, with me being so sick - just finished fourth antibiotic - cannot start yet.

                    I forgot to say, the Neurologist does not think we have the whole story yet on what is going on with me. She thinks I match for MS with a lot of my symptoms, and the MRI (her colleague saw my MRI and said, "that's an MS brain). But I also report a lot of peripheral nervous symptoms. The most recent new one that happened in December was tingling in my head, mostly in my right temporal area. It only lasted for a week or so - a little every day. But it was weird, and she said it couldn't be central nervous, b/c the brain has no had to be peripheral. She said, " I don't think the other shoe has dropped yet." I said, so, we are going to put me on Aubagio to hopefully stop the lesions from growing or multiplying, so I don't lose any more than I have, and we basically wait for other stuff to go wrong enough to be clear what it that right?" And she said yes. That she was sure it was between neurology and rheumatology.

                    I told my primary - a nice nurse practitioner - and she wants me to see a rheumatologist she really trusts. I think he did his studies at Emory, so he has a nice pedigree - you know what I mean. We are waiting to get me in with him.

                    On top of all this, on Friday, I have to have a biopsy on one of my thyroid nodules. I am a little scared about it, because this one nodule is at the size they start to worry about it, and it has calcification, which isn't always a good sign. But maybe I will be lucky and all is well. Because I just can't deal with the thought of having to have my thyroid out right now, on top the MS and the mystery other shoe.

                    I hope putting me on Aubagio is the right call. It does scare me a little. But on the other hand, I don't want to wait around until whatever else is going on is diagnosed, if being on Aubagio could help slow down progress. Clearly, something is still happening. Just in the last few days, I have been having some pains in my head - in the left hemisphere - and today a new little twitch started above my lip - it's still small enough that I don't think it's very obvious - it's no Elvis sneer or anything - yet, anyway.

                    I still have my trouble where I can't find words, and when I am really tired or stressed the wrong words come out or a slur....she thinks all that stuff happened because of the lesions, not the car accident. But how can we be sure? it's such classic traumatic brain injury stuff, and it didn't start until after the accident. And my word finding stuff didn't start until after the accident...Should I push for that to be looked at? She is emphatic that she is sure it's not accident related. But I was it from behind, did a 180 on the freeway, then slid into another car/sort of T-boned on the driver's side. The Driver's door pierced my side, the glass on the driver.s side was shattered. That's how big the impact was.

                    Lastly, the issue of Disability has been bandied about a little bit, by my sometime soon to be ex husband, and my best friend. I have no knowledge of that world. As you can probably tell, a lot of my life is up in the air right now. I have been a stay at home Mom to a DD who was sick A LOT her first ten or so years, so my resume is far from current. And now, with all this, I don't even know what would be a good career to go towards ....Do people on Disability still work some? I would like to think I could do something still, and hopefully something meaningful where I felt I was of service to others, but not using the last of my energy every single day.

                    Thanks for letting me tell you everything. I know it was long. I imagine they will get shorter.

                    I see my neurologist again in February. Regardless, I will start the Aubagio as soon as it seems I have really cleared this last bunch of infection. And she said she will formally diagnose me with MS at that appt. There should be a diagnosis code for "the other shoe that hasn't dropped yet, but we know it's coming."

                    I am open to all comments. I hope you can talk to me fairly kindly, please, as I am feeling a little vulnerable right now. I am sorry I have so many things going on at once to burden the group with.

                    Happy New Year!



                      Originally posted by shakenandstirred View Post

                      1. the way doc says the chances of me having both ms and lupus are very small. It would be like being hit by a crater twice. I thought that was funny.
                      Actually, although it isn't likely that you would have both MS and Lupus, it is not unusual for a person with one auto-immune disease to get another. It puts us at a higher risk.

                      Both of my siblings have two auto-immune diseases.
                      ~ Faith
                      MSWorld Volunteer -- Moderator since JUN2012
                      (now a Mimibug)

                      Symptoms began in JAN02
                      - Dx with RRMS in OCT03, following 21 months of limbo, ruling out lots of other dx, and some "probable stroke" and "probable CNS" dx for awhile.
                      - In 2008, I was back in limbo briefly, then re-dx w/ MS: JUL08

                      - Betaseron NOV03-AUG08; Copaxone20 SEPT08-APR15; Copaxone40 APR15-present
                      - Began receiving SSDI / LTD NOV08. Not employed. I volunteer in my church and community.


                        Hi shakenandstirred,

                        Your plate is certainly full

                        Sounds like you have a great medical team who are doing everything they can for you.

                        My doc later said they spoke over the phone about Lupus, and that the doc didn't think my bloodwork looked like Lupus
                        Oh good! Hopefully that means Lupus is off the table

                        the Neurologist does not think we have the whole story yet on what is going on with me.
                        There should be a diagnosis code for "the other shoe that hasn't dropped yet, but we know it's coming."
                        No, no, no. No more shoes dropping and no more diagnoses' you already have enough

                        The MS diagnosis is scary, because I have spots in so many places, I feel like I have no idea where it will go, how it will impact me. I know that there are lesions in the areas that affect my senses, affect memory, so I know things could get worse.
                        Your fears and concerns are valid and understandable, shakenandstirred

                        Take care!
                        Diagnosed 1984
                        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

