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A long limbo vent.

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    A long limbo vent.

    Hi all,

    I feel a little strange posting here, but perhaps someone can relate. Sorry for the length of this, I've just been so scattered lately.

    I joined initially because I was told in the spring of this year that MS may be a possibility (along with everything that mimics it). I'd gone to urgent care for leg numbness, feeling almost drunk and having an uptick in double vision. I'd had numbness off and on a couple of years.

    Fast forward to my neuro and testing this summer, we did an MRI of brain/cervical spine and did blood work. We were looking to rule out MS, ALS, Parkinson's, RA, Lupus, B12, Vit D, Lyme and a few other things that could mimic MS/cause symptoms like mine.

    Got results later in the summer, all was fine. Decided to meet again in a few months (which was a week ago) unless something huge came up. No real changes other then an uptick in my sensory symptoms but not too bad. Go back to neuro in 6 months. He's great in that he wants to give me the right answer and isn't just pushing something on me. He has the best bedside manner of any specialist I've ever seen and is very good at his job. We had a long talk about possible neuro issues and ignorant/arrogant practice and he's the polar opposite, so for that I'm thankful.

    Since seeing him, I've had a huge jump in my vision issues. Not only do I have worse double vision, I've had flashers (I have ROP so that's not necessarily new just not recent), a lot of eye pain and just a sense that my vision isn't as good. It doesn't really feel like a prescription strength issue so much as an inability to process what I'm seeing easily. It's like I really have to think about a lot of what I'm looking at.

    Thankfully, I can see my retina specialist this week to rule out any potential detachment issues (I've had prior detachment without visual disturbances) but I can't see my regular eye office until November. I'm hoping that because my specialist is very complete in his exam, he may be able to point me some insight if he notices anything other than my retinas.

    I was going to post this in the vision board, but where as I'm not an MS patient, I didn't know if that was okay. I try to take comfort in the fact that all my results form the summer were clear, but my Neuro was cautious to tell me that if this is an autoimmune disorder, it may just be riding under the radar for now.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I feel awful for my husband and family. They're great at listening but I hate to burden them when they know there's only so much they can empathize with.

    Coffee Queen of course you are always welcome to post here. I am happy your tests came back negative, but sorry you are still feeling bad.

    The eye issues are best left up to your retina specialist. They can check everything, your optic nerve too if they are worried.
    I think you are in good hands.

    Let us know how it goes.

    Take care
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      long limbo

      I was given a clinical diagnosis of ms. They did all the tests and ruled out everything else. All the tests were negative. but i have had 3 exacerbations since then. One of my doctors told me you can have no scarring for years but one day your brain can be filled with them. good luck


        Thanks for the reassurance. I too am feeling confident in seeing my specialist, even if it just means we check "retina issues" off the list of potential problems.

        Lynn I've noticed that happens a bit. My neuro even mentioned a patient he had who'd been paralyzed in one leg for a couple of years and no one gave an explanation and her workup was clean. He did a fresh round of everything and boom, MS lesions everywhere.

        I appreciate that my neuro acknowledges that he/no one knows everything your body does, and that perhaps if things were to stay mild it'd go away and not return. I'd had a really hard time with my test results in that I just wanted an answer and couldn't get one, but now I'm just trying to take it day by day.

