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EMG Results

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    EMG Results

    So the neuro that thought I had MS due to diffuse pain, weakness, random head to toe parethesia, foot drop, loss of reflexes, incoordination, memory issues, bowel/bladder issues, confusion, etc... now feels that I have conversion disorder due to the fact that my EMG came back mostly normal, with only a little delayed response time in the feet. So she now insists that I have been sexually or physically abused in the past or been in a traumatic situation that is causing this, which is not the case.

    Several neurologists did this to my brother when they couldnt figure out what was wrong with him, turn out he was dxd with rapid onset dystonia parkinsonism, which is very rare. I am in the medical field and am fully aware about conversion disorder, and know that it is a physiological response to psychological trauma, and is not "faking it" by no means, I know enough to know why and how it happens, as well as progresses and gets better.

    I can not have MRI so we are left with ruling things out slowly. I have been told CRPS, RSD, arachnoiditis, syringomyleia due to a sryinx, arghhhhh! I have had many back surgeries, tons of scar tissue around nerves, herniations etc, no clue how my emg is normal. My pain dr always said that my nerve issues are small fiber nerve pain, not nessecarily coming from the larger nerves. I just dont know, feel like I am being tossed back and forth.

    I know EMG is not diagnostic for MS but is a "normal" EMG enough to completely rule it out? I presented the info to my pain management and physiatrist drs and they disagree with her suggestion. At this point I just want answers so I can move forward.

    She now wants me to see a neurologist at John Hopkins to try and sort things out. Supposedly they are scheduling me for the lumbar tap and referring me down there, but then again they have it on record on 8/22 that I called and requested they start the process and they never did.

    As far as I know, ms is more likely to have a normal EMG. So no, a normal EMG does NOT rule out ms. It does rule out a series of other mimics, however, that would show abnormal EMG results.

    I recently had a normal EMG -- ALS was being ruled out as my first neuro was concerned that was my diagnosis (I have ongoing fasciculations).

    When the EMG came back fine, he released me back into my ms neuro's care. (I don't presently have a dx -- have not yet heard back from him).

    It might be helpful for you to go in and just have a psychiatric evaluation. My psychiatrist ended up being one of my most helpful advocates .



      Aspen, that was my understanding about EMG too. Although not a complete neuropsych eval, I talked to my psychologist yesterday, that I see to help cope with my chronic pain issues, he does not agree with her recommendation either. I have been seen by him for nearly a year and he said that has never crossed his mind, he has been a psychologist for over 30 years (of course this isnt a neuropsych professional), but its something in my eyes. I have to much documented structural injury and bloodwork to back up things even if its not MS. It very well may not be MS (fingers crossed) and all of those issues just intermingeling and overlapping.

      I had neuropsych testing done prior to spinal cord stim placement (it was a required part of the procedure), there were no issues noted. If she would insist on current neuropsych testing I would have no problem at all doing it.

      Like one time an orthopedic dr documented that I was a "drug addict" since I returned to the pain management dr 6 months after my lumbar fusion due to increased pain. Of course he claim his surgery was flawless and I had no reason for continued pain. The ortho referred me to an addiction specialist and told me that my being evaluated was the only way he would continue to see me. At first I was mad and refused to go, then I said, no I will go and prove him wrong. Needless to say I passed with flying colors and of course I never got an appology from him. I saw him with the results and proceeded to find a new dr. About a year later it was subsequently found that my hardware was placed incorrectly, it was to long, hitting an artery and also protruding and rubbing aganst a nerve. It needed to be removed as soon as we found that out, could have caused big issues.

      All I can say is some Doctors, AARRGGHHH!

