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Diagnosed with RA. Continue with MS process??

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    Diagnosed with RA. Continue with MS process??

    Hi all,

    I have visited here before. I am under the care of a MS neuro; see her every several months to monitor my one brain lesion (in pons). Last I saw her was in May and she ordered another MRI my 3rd). I know she is looking for another lesion and then I would be diagnosed.

    Anyways, in late June I started having joint pain in my fingers. I've always felt kind of achey in general, but this was different. It got to the point where I couldn't even touch anything without excruciating pain in my fingers. I saw a rheumatologist at the same hospital where the neuro is. Long story short, I was diagnosed with sero negative RA.

    Now, the rheum wants me to follow up with the MS doc and have my MRI done. I don't have any of the symptoms I had before which led me to the MS doc (dizziness, numbness, right side facial droop, etc). Do I still go? I'm so tired of doctors in general and just dang TIRED.

    I start steroids and plaquenil for the RA tomorrow and I am supposed to see the MS doc soon!

    Any advice? Thank you!!

    I have a form of RA and my rheumatologist is not able to treat as he would like to due to my MS medication. He did prescribe meloxicam as a second choice and he told me the MS meds take precedence.

    Maybe that's why your rheumatologist wants you to get checked by neuro again.

    Good luck!

