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Newbies Lounge Check-in, Aug 16 2013

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    Newbies Lounge Check-in, Aug 16 2013

    Welcome Lounge
    a special weekly thread & haven for our family of newbies Dx'd w/MS and newbies at heart, or just want to help.

    Being a newbie can be just as scary and lonely as being in limbo. When I first got my formal MS dx, I felt lost, alone and tossed into a sea of hungry sharks.

    Take a well deserved break from your travels on the MSuper highway,(exit Rest Area 51) pull into a nice cozy shady parking spot, Unwind in our Newbies Lounge, pitch a tent or just lay out a blanket and enjoy the crisp cool fresh air. Help yourself to fresh Cider and donuts. The camp fire is roaring in the open pit ready for hot dogs, marshmallows and smore's Feel free to share your ideas, experiences and support to your fellow newbies. Relax, you are among friends, friends that understand. We have a virtual soap box, feel free to vent anytime.

    e have fresh cookies, (big Chocoholic here) and red velvet brownies galore etc, just follow the fresh aroma or just hang around visit and enjoy our company.

    PLEASE.... Let US know how YOU, a member of our MS newbies family is doing.

    Have a QUESTION? Please don't be shy........
    The only dumb stupid the one NOT asked.

    How was your Week?........

    Any Dr. apts tests etc coming up?

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot (just slightly imperfect)

    Moderator; This replaces July 18 sticky THANKS



    Anyone else here?

    My legs are still chewed up from the fire ants attack over a month ago. At least I am now out of the roofing business, for now, my shingles are history.

    Thurs I take my annual Jack-Hammer-sewer-pipe ride (aka MRI) & see my MS neuro after the ride.

    I have not seen a word from out Famous Dave, anyone here seen him? I fear he was planting in his garden and a plant planted him for soil enrichment, or something.

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


      Hello over there, Gomer. You're not alone. It's just dark, and the rest of us have been tired and quiet. I'm sure Dave's around here somewhere.

      I'm really sorry those fire ants got you so bad. I cringed when I read your original post on that—it sounded like a horror movie! Glad to hear you're done with the shingling, though. Maybe your skin is better protected from the elements now?

      I hope you have fun on your MRIde on Thursday, and that your neuro appointment afterward goes well.

      I'll have my first neurologist appointment on August 29th, so a week from yours. I expect to have an MRI sometime soon after that.

      Your Newbies Lounge intro post says there's a virtual soapbox, and that we should feel free to vent. I've had some doctor stuff to vent about lately, so I did in the general forum, but it's too long to replicate here (and probably would be poor etiquette anyway). Here's the link:

      I guess I'll warn you that you should be prepared for a lot of reading if you dare check it out. I'm not sure I expect anyone to get through it and still have energy to reply, though! I often just have the energy to read the posts here on MSWorld, not to reply, too.

      It's still nice to listen to the conversations in the dark, though!



        I have not (yet) read your vent/story maybe later.

        If I had to write a story of my MS from probable beginning to current day, I would have to do it serial for, more like an encyclopedia.........

        Yes the Fire Ant episode was more like a horror movie than a comedy routine or even normal routine occurrence. I can LOL about it now that its over, ok mostly over. A few got above both my knees but not into the vital critical zone, thank goodness. That was one fear of the moment.

        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

