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Prolonged fatigue after lumbar puncture?

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    Prolonged fatigue after lumbar puncture?

    I've seen a new neurologist who referred me for an MRI of my C-spine and for a lumbar puncture. I won't find out the results until the first week of September when I see her again.

    I had the LP last Thursday and it was an incredibly traumatic experience. I managed to avoid the dreaded spinal headache, but otherwise the whole recovery process is kicking my butt. The muscles in my back are still extremely tight after the procedure, but more worrisome is that I'm unbelievably tired. I went from sleeping 6 hours a night on average (less than I needed, but I just had too much work) to sleeping 10-14 hours, waking up exhausted and still needing additional naps. I could say this is MS-related but it was clearly triggered by the LP.

    My neuro is on vacation until next Monday and I doubt this warrants calling the emergency number for her, but I am getting really concerned. I still have a ton of work to do and the amount that I'm sleeping is impacting both my job and my parenting ability. Has anyone experienced anything similar after an LP, or is this indeed something I should call about?

    LP or not?

    The stress of the LP experience could be a trigger, not necessarily caused the LP procedure itself. I got back from a longer road trip than expected and still not recovered or back to where I was before the trip yet, and I have been back a WEEK!

    Sometimes its hard to tell what caused what or was it directly or indirectly caused by????....

    Welcome to the world of MS......

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


      I felt fairly fatigued for about a week after my LP.

      I was unfortunate and got the spinal headache, and went in for a blood patch two days afterwards. And that took a few days to get over.

      Back tightness was there for sure.
      Amateur Astronomer in Colorado. Diagnosed Aug 2, 2013. Keep on looking up!

