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In limbo, my first post (sorry so long!)

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    In limbo, my first post (sorry so long!)

    Hi everyone. This is my first post here. I may or may not have MS and am just looking for support from others who may be in the same boat.

    My name is Mary and I just turned 30 years old. My problems all began on May 6th of this year. I had just given birth to my sweet baby boy on May 1st, so he was just 5 days old. That day, I began to notice tingling in my fingertips and in the bottoms of my feet (affecting all four limbs). I had mildly elevated blood pressure during my pregnancy that was well controlled with a low dose of labetalol. I realized that since we had gotten home from the hospital, I hadn't been great about checking my BP. I checked it and it was really high, like 180's/110's. I assumed maybe the tingling was associated with the blood pressure thing, and focused most of my attention on getting the BP under control (although I did still worry about the tingling and the fact that sometimes MS seems to flare after childbirth). In the coming days/weeks, my blood pressure was out of control. Sometimes, it would be 180/115 and 115/60 in the SAME HOUR. It was all over the place (labile blood pressures). I eventually had to triple my dose of labetalol from 100mg twice daily to 200mg three times daily in order to avoid those spikes. Eventually, I started getting very low blood pressures, like 70/50, so I have since been able to wean off of the blood pressure med entirely.

    Eventually, other symptoms began. The tingling began to affect both my neck and head in addition to my hands and feet. Random twitches in various areas of my body, myoclonic jerks, issues with my hands just locking up (both hands at the same time, and it would only last a minute), an incident of my right arm locking up at the elbow with my arm in the straight position. Once I got the elbow to bend a bit, it was fine (is this what they call spasticity?). Deep aches in various muscles, it seems to move around... sometimes in a leg, other times in an arm, it's rarely the same for more than a few days. I have developed a tremor that I notice the most when I'm trying to do fine movements with my hands or when I'm trying to walk down the stairs. I've experienced a few incidences of blurred vision in my left eye since this began. It only lasts up to a half hour, then goes away on its own.

    I've also experienced ringing and vibrating in my left ear as well as temporary hearing loss in my left ear (just for a few minutes, then it's back to normal). I've experienced vibrating sensation in my lower abdomen, all the way down to my feet. A buzzing sensation in my body that almost reminds me of the way an electric fence sounds when you can hear it buzzing. I just feel like a live wire of electricity all the time. Sensitivity to light and sound. Particularly bothersome to me has been pain in my hands. There is burning nerve pain in my fingers, and it's annoying but manageable. But the worst is this deep, aching pain in the palms of my hands. Some nights, I can't sleep because my hands just ache so badly. I've had numb spots in various areas of my body. For many weeks after the birth, my left pointer finger and left big toe felt numb. I actually just realized for the first time that they no longer feel numb. However, I do have a numb spot in the arch of my right foot that I notice mostly when I walk. It has just developed over the last week, maybe.

    Before all this began, I was a normal, healthy, active person. I have two other little boys, ages 2 and 4, and I never had a problem keeping up with them. Now, I have such massive fatigue that it is hard to drag myself out of bed many days. Shortly after all these problems began, I spoke to my doctor about anxiety (fear of debilitating illness) and began taking zoloft. My attitude about the situation has improved a LOT, but I worry that some of my problems may actually be side effects of the zoloft, because most of the problems began after I started it.

    Anyway, let's get to the tests I've had done.

    -MRI (brain and cervical spine, no contrast) - Normal
    -Visual Evoked Potential - Normal

    -ANA - negative
    -Lyme - negative (questionable after definite tick exposure at least twice in April)
    -Kidney and liver fn - Normal
    -CBC w/diff - All normal

    The labs that were abnormal:
    -Vitamin D - Low
    -Calcium and potassium - Low
    -Magnesium - High (this is odd, not sure why)

    I now supplement calcium and vitamin D in addition to my prenatal vitamin that I continue to take because I am breastfeeding. All my labs have since been retested and were normal, except for vitamin D, which has not been retested yet.

    I am scheduled for an EMG in August, and then the neurologist said we may repeat MRIs with contrast in October to make sure we didn't do MRIs too soon to see lesions.

    Anyway, that's all about me. Feel free to share your own experiences or commiserate with me. I've been pretty much miserable for the almost 12 weeks that this has gone on. If this is an initial episode of MS, is it normal for symptoms to continue so strongly for so long? Is it possible that it could still relapse and be RRMS, or does it seem more likely that it would be PPMS? I'm really hoping if it IS MS, that it's at least RRMS since treatments seem to work better for it.

    Hi Mary. Gosh, you've been throughout it! First of all, congratulations on your sweet boy. What a blessing!

    I'm in limbo too, and quite possibly still in the early stages of it. Still going through tests now. So I just wanted to welcome you and let you know that I'm hoping you find some answers soon. As if you need this worry on top of 3 lovely boys who need your attention! Sheesh!

    It sounds like your doctors are being fairly proactive, which is awesome. I've not read/ heard anything about high magnesium. That's curious. Maybe you'll at least see some relief from the fatigue now that you're supplementing Vit D.

    I wish you the best of luck in your journey!


      Originally posted by marymoonu View Post
      If this is an initial episode of MS, is it normal for symptoms to continue so strongly for so long? Is it possible that it could still relapse and be RRMS, or does it seem more likely that it would be PPMS? I'm really hoping if it IS MS, that it's at least RRMS since treatments seem to work better for it.
      Hello Mary - how is your new baby doing? I am sure it's very hard to deal with all of this and have 3 little ones ... boys at that! They can be very busy.

      As for your question quoted above - I am not sure if this is normal or not and I wonder the same thing for myself ... RRMS? PPMS? PRMS? SPMS? I don't know. I started having major issues about 2 1/2 years ago and it has not really let up very much in that time. Part of my problem is that I do not like to go to the doctors. It took me several months to finally go and this only after a long talk with a few brothers at my church. And then one time a brother discovered I was not able to walk: "WHAT IS WRONG?!?!" "Whatever has been going on with me." "YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!" So I went. 3 gps and 2 neurologists and 2 years later and they all agree: textbook case of MS. The neurologists are waiting to diagnose though till more definite spots show up on my MRI. I was not planning on going back (I do not plan to take drugs anyway so what's the point?) however recently I have started to change my mind. I am seriously considering setting up the fall appointments with my neurologists and the MRIs they wanted me to repeat. Maybe seeing them again will give me more solid answers about the type of MS I have and so on?? I also hope to get information about physical and occupational therapy. Maybe learn how to use a cane? Scary thought but really, there have been so many times when I have needed one but did not use one and then secondary symptoms come like back and neck pain and foot pain because I am not walking correctly!

      So anyway ... it's been a rough road these past 2 1/2 years. My first flare lasted about 6 months. There was a tiny bit of relief after that but symptoms were still there ... just not as bad. Another flare came and stayed around for 3-4 months. A tiny bit of relief like before and then another flare (or whatever!?) for a 1-2 months. I thought the cooler weather that first year would bring some relief. It did but not even close to 100% or even 50%. The next 1 1/2 years was/are about the same but the length of the flares seems to be not as long (but more frequent if that makes sense?) ... with some exceptions where certain things have come up that are new. Flares? Pseudo flares? PPMS? It's still confusing to me.

      What makes a difference for me is that all of my children are older (16, 18 and 20). The 18 year old is my daughter. The boys work out of the home but my daughter is usually around to help me when I need her. I could not imagine having to do this with little ones like you have. I pray your symptoms get better and more under control soon. Do you have a good support system? I believe that is very important. I have a large group of church brethren that have been a real blessing to me - I am not sure where I would be without them. Also, I really appreciate this forum. The people on here have been a great help to me and an encouragement. Even though I have support around me, no one close to me knows what it's like ... and that's where this forum is a blessing. Lots of people who can relate.

      I hope this helped you in some way.

      Not officially diagnosed due to non-MS-specific spots on MRIs, but the neurologists all agree it's MS.
      Frustrated. January 2019: finally saw an MS specialist worth seeing. Maybe we'll get to the bottom of this.
      EDSS of 5.5, sometimes 6.0


        I am not sure I have mS.
        My MS doctors could not prove I have MS either, so they told me that they think that I have Transverse Myelitis.
        I could have gotten "hit" by the shingles virus, and the virus attacked my spinal cord.

        Now I just wait. I feel better after my cervical spine dissection surgery, though.
        I am getting a bit stronger and my fingers and toes are not as cold and numb.

        I am not sure if it is better to take the MS drugs to stave off the inevitable, or to just wait without the MS meds and wait until more symptoms appear before I decide to take the drugs. I prefer not to guess and I told the doctors that I need the MS diagnosis in order to start with the harsh drugs.
        I don't know if I have the right attitude or not, but it is my body.

        You have a lot of the classic symptoms.
        I hope that you don't have it. There are new drugs that give us hope if we do.


