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Newbies Lounge Check-in, ID4 2013

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    Hope all is as well as can be expected J-man....

    I think I will wait till you are back IN, instead of out-of-it so you can appreciate my go-4-it...when/if I do one on this. For now, your assignment is to GET WELL & take things EASY for a while and I will C U when I get down there.

    Maybe we can work on some comedy routines...ha ha.

    Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


      Hey Journeyman, I hope to see you up and at 'em soon. I am thinking good thoughts for you!

      I had my MRI and...drum roll brain has stablized! No need to switch medicines! Woo hoo! I don't mind sticking myself with a needle any more, that's old hat. So I'll stick with the copax, (ha,ha, gomer. I thought you'd appreciate that one).
      You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


        To U Shape.. in a minute!

        UPDATE on (Hot off the phone)
        Journey-man, Dave, XRRMS, etc etc etc....

        I called and spoke with Dave earlier today. He is doing as well as can be expected. Still a bit clouded over with drugs, but I was able to get a few laughs out of him. He is still the same ole Dave underneath. A bit slower but ya could tell it was Journey-man and not an imposter.

        He has been refusing visitors so far. I told him he has ONE WEEK to get better and start seeing visitors and I should be down and see him in about 1.5 weeks. I also threatened to bring both Crystal and her sister Crystal-2 to gang up on him if he is still refusing friends after I get down there.

        Dave asked me to let y'all know he is doing OK and slowly getting better. He misses you guys and gals. Dave appreciates all the prayers and well wishes and says he will get back online when he feels a little better. (he better feel better by this time next week, or else!)

        Yes shape I am so glad you think stabbing one's self half a dozen times a day is FUN-E. I have done better since starting Copax and hope I get to STICK (puntended) with it, I do NOT want to change, at least not yet and not as long as Copax seems to be working for me. AKA if it ain't broke..Don't FIX it

        Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

        PS to Shape Do NOT eat Jman's


          Thanks for the update, Gomer. I've been wondering how Dave is and when he'll be posting again. Thanks for being his intermediary—you're an excellent combination of messenger and jester!

          Alishape, I just have to get you where Gomer missed: I'm happy your brain "stablized";
          my brain has stablized!
          I'm guessing that's what happens when you stab yourself with a needle enough times. Happy news!


            OOOhhhh, OUWWWWWWW,

            Hi there everybody. Bear in mind that this is written under the Codeine.

            I am back sort of. I feel like I was run over with a cross-cut saw and hacked open with a hatchet and left for the buzzards.

            I am up and about with my brace. TMI info. I haven't pooped since before my surgery and am so looking forward to the excitement of that moment.

            When they opened the vertebrae they found not a syst but a much larger tumor than they thought. They sent it to the lab to check for malignancy. (glad I was't there for that one) Thank God it was benign. The size of it was almost completely blocking my spine to the lower half of my body.
            The tumor had nearly crushed the disc between L4 & L5. So they had to cut it away and do a fusioun after all. That required the cutting the muscles to insert the plate then replacing them.

            When I woke up I was in a lot more pain than I was expecting. So they gave me Dilauded. My family has a histroy of hallucinating under that particlular drug. Maybe it was meant that way. For psych people I was not psychotic but Paranoid delusional. Reminded me of the 60's.

            I was sure they had palanted a chip in the man next door and it was like a cash register so they could suck $$ out any time they wanted...wait maybe that was reality. I feel mine still sucking.

            Then my wife and dau went home just long enough to feed the baby. But I thought they had both left and had abandoned me for my ins. money. In the middle of all of this they moved me to a sort of psych/security/med ED that had cameras on me all the time. Yeah that helped Then my room mate told me the floor was wired so that if I got out of bed an alarm went off. Yup-he was right. Now I was fully crazey and had given up on even dx-ing myself. That lasted a full day until my dau and wife came back in. That helped. The the Doc came in and asked me if I wanted to go home. If not for the pain I would have left naked. lightbulb:

            Now I have clothes on for the first day since my surgery. (I told the pastor no visitors) He wanted to know why. I told him people would be scarred for life at the sight of a naked me watching soap operas. Now any time I am allowed up I have to have a full brace and clothes on. - like I am going to run away any where.

            U an gettubg fyzzty on the ky3eboard so I better go. Thak you for all your praysrs, love and support. I love you all.
            Be back when I can.
            Slice and dice Dave. (f you knew how many erasures it dook to writed this ...)
            Bye All


              I'm happy we have you back, "Slice and dice Dave", even if it's less of you than we had before. I'm sure we all appreciate the effort your post must have taken! I really hope that huge tumor removal will have some significant positive effect when you've had some more time to heal.

              Sorry about the psych effects of the pain meds. Sounds scary. I hope it was better than without them, at least!

              Good luck pooping and keeping your clothes on, but not simultaneously if you can help it.

              They usually don't allow flowers in hospitals these days, probably because of people like me who break out when they're in the room, so here's a "Get Well Soon" gold star for you instead:


                Hi Journeyman!

                I didn't expect to see anything from you for a while. Pooping with regularity is something you can't fully appreciate until it's gone so good luck with that, lol. Sounds like your surgery will have a significant positive impact! It's great when they get it right. We're all still pulling for you. I know you'll be back up on ladders in no time and maybe even falling off them less. If so I don't know what Gomer will do for entertainment.
                You can't stop washing your feet just because you're afraid you'll fall in the shower.


                  Originally posted by alishape View Post
                  If so I don't know what Gomer will do for entertainment.
                  DO not worry too much, I WILL find something!

                  BTW shower/tub SEATS are for. Falling ain't no FUN, busted 5 ribs last year and then my kidneys rebelled and put out brown water that looked more like very loose U know what.

                  Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot


                    Hi Krista! I have recently been diagnosed as well (Jan 2013).

                    Originally posted by Kkane View Post
                    Hello my name is krista! I was just told I have ms about 1 mo ago!!! I have had all the sx for some time ... The loss of strength in my hands and the tingling in my hands. I also had been having cramp like pains in both my legs. This has been going in for about 2 yrs. I was sent to the hospital because I lost my vision in the left eye and I was experiencing numbness to my face. I spent about a week in UCSF, where I under went lots of test! I was dx with ms and I was unclear on what was next. Now I take aubagio and feel a Lil better . I just want to live a normal life and so far it has been ok , a Lil scarey but everyday is a new day!
                    I bet you are feeling some relief from aubagio after 2 years of leg pain. Are you feeling stronger with your medication? I am brand new and share your thoughts about being scared but everyday is a new day! Thank you for your post and well wishes!

