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Sticky idea

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    Sticky idea

    I think we need a new sticky in this forum! Maybe a sticky that has a list of blood tests that should be done to rule out MS mimics, and also a list of typical and even some not so typical MS mimics. Along with the McDonald criteria.

    I know there are a lot of people here trying to help all those in limbo. But lately it feels like the regulars are getting a bit frustrated and handing out some canned responses instead of actually replying nicely and giving some support.

    I myself am in limbo still and have posted threads looking for advice, stating which blood tests have been run, only to have someone ask if they had been done! Basically, for someone with something neurological going on and having someone not even pay attention, it does more damage than not replying at all. If that makes sense.

    So, if there were a sticky that people could say "please refer to the sticky about ruling out/in MS" then the regulars could perhaps not get so frustrated, and the limbo landers could not feel so unheard.

    Also, there is a lot of talk about Ms mimics, but no list anywhere on this site with the typical mimics they like to rule out. I know it isn't possible to list every single thing that could be MS, but a brief list of the top 20 or so could be very helpful. Lyme, lupus, etc, etc.

    I agree wholeheartedly!

    Great idea. I've only had a first round of bloodwork, which was normal, and I only got that because my new PCP's office had a last-minute cancellation. So basically, I haven't even been able to bend the ear of a good specialist yet. Oh, and she checked the fibro trigger points and found nothing. MRI next, then a neuro if she finds it warranted.

    That said, my symptoms scare me, and I'm an avid reader, so it reasons that I'll try to research and get some idea of what could be going on. I've googled "MS mimics" and read every reputable site's list. Then I researched each thing on the lists. Nothing fits.

    I know there are less common mimics. Once you've ruled out vitamin deficiencies, lupus, FM, RA, and the other more common ones....what next? I'm curious.


      I think that Lyme disease is among the mimic`s of MS.
      I would get the actual numbers (levels) of the vitamins that you were tested for. Some doctors believe that vitamin D is 'safe' between 25 ng/mL and 50 ng/mL.
      It has been recommended that the lower value should be nearer 30 or 40 and the higher value should be above 80ng/mL. At no time should the levels be above 100ng/mL. Many doctors won't admit that they know very little about vitamin D levels. As a consequence, most adults in America are low or deficient in that vitamin. Good luck


        I put a list of the blood tests in a sticky and I am working on a list for MS mimics.

        Originally posted by wendya432 View Post
        I think we need a new sticky in this forum! Maybe a sticky that has a list of blood tests that should be done to rule out MS mimics, and also a list of typical and even some not so typical MS mimics. Along with the McDonald criteria.

        I know there are a lot of people here trying to help all those in limbo. But lately it feels like the regulars are getting a bit frustrated and handing out some canned responses instead of actually replying nicely and giving some support.

        I myself am in limbo still and have posted threads looking for advice, stating which blood tests have been run, only to have someone ask if they had been done! Basically, for someone with something neurological going on and having someone not even pay attention, it does more damage than not replying at all. If that makes sense.

        So, if there were a sticky that people could say "please refer to the sticky about ruling out/in MS" then the regulars could perhaps not get so frustrated, and the limbo landers could not feel so unheard.

        Also, there is a lot of talk about Ms mimics, but no list anywhere on this site with the typical mimics they like to rule out. I know it isn't possible to list every single thing that could be MS, but a brief list of the top 20 or so could be very helpful. Lyme, lupus, etc, etc.
        MS World
        PPMS DX 2001


