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Introducing myself

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    Introducing myself

    Hi everyone,

    This will be kind of a book, that's how I roll...(I hate that saying, but it seemed to fit).

    I've been lurking for a while now and assumed I would never feel compelled to actually join, as certainly I don't have MS, right? Well, no diagnosis as of yet, but having a hard time seeing that it could be anything but a neurological problem as my symptoms seem to just be increasing.

    I'm sitting at home with a sick kiddo today, watching Beauty and the Beast for the 400th time with a little girl cuddled with her favorite new stray kitten. And I thought I'd take the time to introduce myself.

    I'm a 34 year old female who was living a pretty problem-free life a couple of months ago. Had just finished Nanowrimo (write a novel in a month) and had one fabulous 4-year old, considering adding another to the mix (kid, not novel).

    It started with dizziness. Every few days, in the evenings. Then every day in the evening.

    Then combined with brain fog (major brain fog!). Then every day all day. All day...this was so debilitating and my least favorite symptoms so far.

    Then my pinky went numb.

    Chest tightness (ER visit showed all is okay there).

    Now to random tingling, numbness. Zinging pain in my right knee and foot, now 'spreading' to my right arm. Tightness in my right calf. My body, rather my mind, cannot seem to decide if it should burn my right leg off or pour freezing cold water on it.

    Now I shake, although it isn't usually visible to others and I just feel it inside me. Constantly vibrating, like I'm cold, but I'm not.

    Very anxious as of late, and I'm usually the opposite of anxious.

    Called off work one day this week as I could barely get out of bed. And my job (I own my own business) relies on me being very reliable.

    Well, this was a bit of a novel in and of itself. Perhaps writing will be in my future after all. I have an ENT appt on March 1st. My MRI showed a Mucous retention cyst in my left sinuses, which may explain the sinus pain I've had for almost a year now, but I don't believe it explains much else (maybe the dizziness???).

    Neurology appointment 3 days after the ENT. So, we'll see. MRI showed no brain lesions. Which sounds good to me, but makes me feel like I'm going insane.

    I so appreciate hearing how everyone is doing and how everyone is coping with all that you're dealing with. I have a lot to learn and will meanwhile sit back and read as well as hope that my stay on these forums is short-lived. No offense.

    Well, Beauty has her handsome Prince now and my daughter is yelling, "wake up silly head" at the cat. Time to go
    Not diagnosed, but symptoms include: vertigo, fogginess, numbness, tingling, internal shaking, zapping pains, tight calf and knee, etc. etc. etc. First neuro appt. on 03/04/13.

    Hello and Welcome kendalinna!

    I'm glad to see you have a Neurology appt already booked! Hopefefully you're on your way to a diagnosis.

    Have you had your B12 levels checked. Mine was low and the doctor started me on it and the brain fog has subsided a bit.

    Let us know how your appt goes!
    When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


      Hi Carole, Thanks for responding. I have not had my B12 levels checked, I'll ask my neurologist about it. Do you take a shot for B12 or just an OTC? Yeh, like I said, it's the brain fog that I hate the most (so far .
      Not diagnosed, but symptoms include: vertigo, fogginess, numbness, tingling, internal shaking, zapping pains, tight calf and knee, etc. etc. etc. First neuro appt. on 03/04/13.


        I used to get injections but I must of forgotten to tell my, at the time, new doctor. I've switched doctors and this one seems to be good.

        I got a call 2days after my first appt and blood work. They told me to start on B12 immediately. I see him again on Monday and I won't be surprised to have to start injections again.

        In the meantime, I started B12 vitamins. It has helped me with cog fog, although I still have it. Maybe a higher dose will get rid of it!

        It seems that it's common for MSers to have a low B12 count. It's worth looking into.

        My user name should have been Spacecadet!!!
        When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


          Hi kendalinna and welcome to MSworld!

          I had to laugh about Beauty and the Beast.... my kids had their favorites when they were young and after watching with them over and over again, I swear I knew all the songs by heart

          In addition to checking up on B12, have your D3 levels checked. Many of us have low counts of this too!

          I hope you find answers soon! Being in limbo is no fun. Maybe you could write your next novel about this?

          Take good care of yourself and your family
          1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
          Administrator Message Boards/Moderator


            Ok, got it. B12, D3 (is that the same as regular ole vitamin D?).

            Seasha- maybe someday I will write a novel about this, it is my dream to have two novels that nobody's ever going to read.

            And, Carole, we could probably all call ourselves Spacecadet, but then we'd have usernames like Spacecadet342 and Spacecadet879. That could get confusing.
            Not diagnosed, but symptoms include: vertigo, fogginess, numbness, tingling, internal shaking, zapping pains, tight calf and knee, etc. etc. etc. First neuro appt. on 03/04/13.


              LMAO Kendallina!
              When I can laugh at my experiences, I own them and they don't own me!


                Originally posted by kendallina View Post
                Ok, got it. B12, D3 (is that the same as regular ole vitamin D?).

                Seasha- maybe someday I will write a novel about this, it is my dream to have two novels that nobody's ever going to read.

                And, Carole, we could probably all call ourselves Spacecadet, but then we'd have usernames like Spacecadet342 and Spacecadet879. That could get confusing.
                Yes! It's D3 - not reg D. And btw, I'd read your novel!! When need more books/voices about this disease - especially a realistic novel or bio.
                1st sx '89 Dx '99 w/RRMS - SP since 2010
                Administrator Message Boards/Moderator

