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Back in limbo

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    Back in limbo

    I went to a neuro appt yesterday. My pcp sent me there to discuss DMDs. Well my neuro said she needs evidence of a second attack first. I have been having double vision since thanksgiving. So they may very well find that.

    Due to the fact that I don't have insurance we are doing the testing backwards. I have an opthamology appt on tomorrow morning and I have no idea what to expect. Anyone have any ideas?

    If that test comes back normal she might do another spinal tap. She is very apprehensive because she doesn't know if there will be any change from the one I had 2 years ago and I had a very bad experience at that. ( was poked 16 times)

    We may then discuss doing another MRI, but I just had one in September. My double vision did start after that though. So idk.

    Basically I'm beyond frustrated. They are saying something is wrong and an MS dx would make sense but we aren't there yet. I understand why but it doesn't make it feel any better. All I want to do is move on with my life. I'm 21 years old, I shouldn't be holding back in life for something that may never happen.

    If the tests come back normal, I give up. Throwing in the towel. I'm not going to continue going to the dr to be told the same thing. If something does present itself then I will consider going.

    Nichole: I understand your frustration, but think your docs are doing the right thing. I hope you will get some answers from the repeat testing. Ask your neuro if there is any way all of this testing can be done at a university hospital. Most have something called charity care for those who have no insurance. You can apply and if you qualify you can get your testing done for free. I have charity care along with my very bad insurance and it saves my life every year.

    There are options out there you just have to check into them.

    Good luck
    Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
    SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)


      I hear you and I am as frustrated as you. also. I wish this problem on no one. It compounds with every day. Finding answers is the one thing that keeps me sane. And this site has some very good contributers !
      For my 2 cents, if I were you, I would begin taking 5000iu's of vitamin D (unless your levels have been recently tested and are above 60 ng/mL). I have been on 7000 iu's daily and 325 mgs magnesium daily. i think it is helping me in lots of ways. I don't know about your health or physical condition, but if you don't like getting no answers from the pros, try something on your own. Good luck


        Due to the fact that I don't have insurance we are doing the testing backwards

        There is a MRI Diagnostic Fund offered by The The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA). If you qualify they will pay for your MRI.
        Diagnosed 1984
        “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic


          22cyclist- I completely understand why they are doing what they are doing. I'm just expressing my frustration. Trying to get some support from people who understand. I am doing my opthamology appt through OHSU so it might be covered. I just have to wait for my financial packet to get here and if I get approved they will reimburse me.

          Jerry- I am taking a lot of vitamins and supplements that my primary wants me on, including vit D . Thanks.

          Snoopy- I have had MRIs before so I don't qualify. Thank you though.


            So i went to the opthamologist today. He said I have an astigmatism in both eyes. He tried corrective lenses, did not help at all with my double vision. He said he didn't think it was a big deal, I can just live with it the rest of my life but if it bothered me my only option is laser surgery for correction. What are the odds that both of my eyes would happen to get worse on the same day causing double vision? I don't understand. I'm so done with going through all this testing.


              Hey Nicole. Would you mind elaborating a little bit about your double vision? Do you have double vision when you look straight ahead? If you cover one eye does the double vision still persist? Have you had an MRI?

              The reason I ask is because that is really the only symptom I have had so far and the docs are saying im textbook case of MS but will not dx me.



                Originally posted by Nicole13 View Post
                So i went to the opthamologist today. He said I have an astigmatism in both eyes.
                What are the odds that both of my eyes would happen to get worse on the same day causing double vision?
                Astigmatism can cause distorted or blurred vision and the odds of astigmatism causing double vision on the same day? Quite good

                I know Nicole, I have Astigmatism.

                I get blurry/cloudy/double vision (both eyes). I had my prescription changed about 2 months ago and I am already finding a change, for the negative, in my vision. I also have congenital cataracts which can cause the same problems.

                My vision sucks and has all of my life. None of my vision problems are related to MS. In fact, I have never had any vision problem caused by this disease, my vison problems are separate from MS. Some people just have crappy vision

                My Opthamologist explained and I am not sure I completely understand but Astigmatism as well as my cataracts can change the Axis which can make your vision worse (blurred/double)

                Some information about Astigmatism:
                Diagnosed 1984
                “Lightworkers aren’t here to avoid the darkness…they are here to transform the darkness through the illuminating power of love.” Muses from a mystic

