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My Hi post posted before finished typing. Sorry.

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    My Hi post posted before finished typing. Sorry.

    Any way, I do have Fibromyalgia and know the symptoms of that. I have done a lot of reading on MS. Think I might have it.

    Have been having extreme weakness on left side of body. Have been dropping things some times, and some tremors every once in awhile. Have almost nightly pins and needles from my left foot to knee, and then numbness.

    Ocassionally I get muscle spasms in left leg but they don't hurt. I've noticed if I stand with my feet together, arms at side and I close my eyes, I fall to the left. Today my husband performed the Babinski test, and my right foots toes curled downward. The left foot, my big toe came up and other toes spread out.

    I know one shouldn't jump the gun and think the worst, but I can't help but think that I might have MS, and not having any health insurance at the moment, I can't go to a doctor.

    One good think is that I have been able to stay on my high blood pressure medicine, my seizure medicine, my Fibro medicine and medicine for my thyroid/Hashimotos.

    Thanks for reading.
    Fibromyalgia, Asthma, Absence Seizures, Hashimoto's/Thyroid issues, High Blood Pressure, Osteopeenia (back), Osteoporosis (hips), neuropathy in right hand. Heat Intolerance. Eye Floaters, Cataracts both eyes, arthritis.