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Another new member!

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    Another new member!

    Hello there,

    Yes, I am another new member.

    My story began two New Year's ago. I went to the ER because I had been numb in my leg for 24 hours. At the time they told me it was probably a pinched nerve. However, it got worse and they booked me an appointment with a neurologist. It was a 9 month wait, and I ended up moving away from the city I was currently in.

    I ended up having an interview later that year (2010) for a job at the MS Society. At the time of the interview I obviously did a lot of research on MS and I noticed a lot of my symptoms were like what I was reading. I did not end up getting hired at that point, and I carried on with my life, hoping it wouldn't come back.

    A year after my first flare up, I had a second one. This time I knew I needed to get it looked at. I ended up being hired on by the MS society for a short contract, and end up getting my likely diagnosis while I was working there. It was hard because there were signs around the office such as "Imagine waking up one morning and not being able to walk". This was a reality for me. This happened to me just months before I started my job.

    I now live in Toronto and I am able to go to the MS clinic, and I am very thankful. Although I have not had an official diagnosis, they are "almost certain"

    My problem is every time I have a flareup, I get a shingles attack. My doctor wants to see if there is a second issue, and so I am not able to start medication.

    This past week, I have a soar left eye, and the past two days my vision has been off. Sadly, I think it is related to my MS. It's obviously been Christmas and my doctors office has been closed, but I am calling tomorrow.

    I am looking forward to meeting some of you and becoming a member of the site. I hope I can learn more about what is happening to my body, and what I can do to help myself.

    I just wanted to say "hi" from another member of the "almost certian" club. My journey hasn't been as long as yours but I can relate to a lot of it. I hope you get definate answers soon.


      Since you are around the MS society you have seen the reality that is MS, I assume. I am sorry that you are suffering from this 'no diagnosis' situation.
      But just because the doctors can't give you a name of the problem or prescribe you some meds, doesn't preclude you from finding some treatments, yourself. This site offers many solutions that many doctors never consider because there is no prescription to write. Good luck


        Welcome from another member of the "almost certain" club! Seems to be a lot of us!

