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Might be in Limbo? Looking for answers

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    Might be in Limbo? Looking for answers

    Hello all!

    I am in Limbo, I think. I'll give my story and see what you all think. In March 2011, I was rushed to the hospital with what my wife thought was a stroke. I had vision issues, pain behind my eyes, weak and numbness on my right side, slurred speech... all the classic symptoms of a stroke. I also had extreme pain in the base of my skull and neck as well as in my lower back. An LP was negative, and a T1 brain MRI showed no stroke, but two lesions on one part of my brain. I was discharged from the hospital after five days, spent thirty days on bed rest and slowly recovered. I ended up feeling close to normal, but with the back, head and neck pain just not as severe.

    Fast forward to this month, and I started to experience some pain behind the eyes I had before. My peripheral vision started to go on my right side and the pain in my back, neck and head came back with a vengence. I eventually ended up so weak and with little feeling in my left side and a violent twitch of my right leg that I was hospitalized again. I had a brain CT and MRI as well as C-spine and T-spine MRI. All of the tests were with and without contrast. Before the MRI's, the neuro mentioned that these tests should conclude a diagnosis of MS. All of the tests came back negative. I was discharged yesterday from the hospital again with no diagnosis or explanation of my symptoms. I have not seen the CT or MRI film or reports from this latest hospital stay. I am from the Philadelphia area and am planning on trying to get an appointment at the University of Pennsylvania MS Center. What else can I do? Both neuro's I have seen have said that without a change in brain or spine MRI's, a diagnosis of MS isn't possible. I'm not sure if I even have MS, but I really need an answer. I can't take this not knowing what is wrong with me anymore. Any advice that the comunity can offer?

    Thank you all in advance for reading this way-too-long post and for any feedback you can give!

    Unfortunately it often takes time and getting worse before they can really figure it out. So yeah, welcome to limbo. It's a frustrating place to be, but it's great that you're here and can have the support of the people here. Even if it doesn't end up being MS at least everyone here can understand how those things feel. Hopefully you can get answers soon and I'm sure that you can get good suggestions and support here.



      Hang in there! I've had something similar but not as intense as that...Oct 2012 I was very dizzy, almost passed out my BP went high..I work at an airport so I had an emergency response unit check me over...I couldn't walk properly because my legs felt like jello...and I could barely talk...I understood everything but I was speaking really really slow. I didn't even go to hospital..but later my doc sent me for an MRI in Jan 2012 cause of constant lightheadedness
      I have approx 8 lesions (NOT MS LOOKING)
      I have other weird things happen this year and I'm still in Limbo.
      Like FourPaws said...You may need to get worse before they find out what's wrong.
      It's a very long process if it's not so "evident" yet.

      This is a great forum to be part of!



        There are a few things you can do now that you have seen many of the right medical people.
        Have you done blood tests for B-12, vitamin D and magnesium? Have you had your hormone levels tested? Have you tried going gluten free, dairy free and sugar free ? Have you eliminated diet soft drinks and such. Is your weight under control? These things may have some effect on your symptoms. Good luck

