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No more limbo land :/

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    No more limbo land :/

    So it's official as of today the MS diagnosis has been made. I think I am taking it OK right now, we'll see how I do in the next few days. Maybe I already knew it. I might be a little numb right now.

    The doc gave me info on the injections (Avonex, Rebif, and Copaxone) to review and to call him on Monday with my choice.

    I realize everyone will be different but I just wanted to pick some brains. I know there won't be a "best" one but I was just curious on some feedback.

    Mother lives with husband and I so we are all going to sit tonight and have a "team meeting".


    Hi Kat,

    I was exactly where you are a year ago. I picked Copaxone because it had fewest side effects. It burns, and my skin is lumpier than before. But I haven't really had any other noticeable side effects. Not even the scary sick reaction that some people get sometimes.

    I was scared to death of doing the shots. But no matter what you choose, they'll send someone out to train you, and you get used to it pretty quick.

    It might be helpful to remember as you look at your new treatment that we are not likely to be injecting ourselves for the next 15-20 years like the generation before us. There are more pills and infusions on the way that are more effective and less intrusive on your life (although with higher risks). I found that made my shots a little more bearable knowing that.


      Hey Kat,

      I was dx on Dec 2011, also exactly a year ago.

      As far as the medications, I was also given the same choices, and I chose Rebif, due to the fact you only have to inject 3x a week. I hate needles as it is, so I wouldn't be able to do that every day.

      You may want to hold off on choosing the injections, since there is BG12 coming out soon, and its supposed to be a pill and have better results than the other DMD's.

      Why start an injection, if the pill will be coming out in 2 months. I don't think its worth starting the titration package, where you start off with low doses, only to be ready to take the pill.

      That would be my suggestion, if you don't have too many symptoms or lesions. The doctors are rather aggressive when it comes to treating the MS, so take your time, and choose something that you will ultimately be comfortable with.

      I know I'm switching to BG12 asap. I still cannot stand these darn injections....every time.
      New study on vaping
      *****BEST INFO BELOW*******


        Hi: Sorry you were diagnosed, but good you have some answers. My advice is to choose Copaxone. I was on it when I was first diagnosed and loved it. No side effects other than some injection site reactions, but no flu-like symptoms, or needed blood draws. It does not affect your liver or thyroid or blood counts. I felt normal on it, and it controlled my MS for a long time. I could still run and do everything I normally did before being diagnosed.

        I wish you all the best and just know that you are not alone during this have all of us!

        Take care
        Disabled RN with MS for 14 years
        SPMS EDSS 7.5 Wheelchair (but a racing one)

