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In limbo :)

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    In limbo :)

    I'm new here and in limbo! My name is Barbara, and I'm in TX.
    I've been having some symptoms for 3 or so years now, I'm 38. I have two sons, 15 and 13. My 13 year old has disabilities and a lot of years of hauling his wheelchair! I developed osteoarthritis from all the wear and tear, I'm under 4'11".
    Anyway, 3 years ago I started having a lot of pain anf fatigue. I saw a rheumatologist and was dx'd with fibromyalgia. But last winter, something strange happened.
    The toes on both feet were numb all winter long but I figured it was just because of the cold, and it went away. The last six months have been hellish. So far my symptom list is urinary urges, double/blurry vision, pain, fatigue, weakness in my legs, tingling in back and legs, spasticity, numbness, brisk reflexes, and balance issues.
    So, I finally saw a neurologist. The MRI w/o contrast showed the cervical and lumbar spine looked fine. We are waiting for the insurance to appprove the MRI w/ contrast for the thoracic spine and brain. In the meantime, he started me on zanaflex.
    He does believe that the fibro dx was just the start of my MS. He did warn me that the tests may not be able to confirm MS, and in that case, we'll just try to treat symptoms. I'm hoping for the dx so we can do something besides waiting for me to get worse!

    Hi good luck I hope they can figure it out. I started with numbness and tingling and weak eye muscles and double vision. My mri's showed only a couple small lesions. It can some times take a while before getting a diagnosis. Hopefully you will find out soon.


      "It can some times take a while before getting a diagnosis"

      Took me at least from age 19 to 64 for a formal Dx. First permanant complication (diplopia) at age 19 and more garbage in during the mean time till a new eye doc opened the MS can-o-worms wide open and formal Dx at age 64.

      In my case it took about 45 years!

      I feared I would be confined to a wheelchair 24/7 before anyone would figure things out. Came too close at that. I do use a power chair part-time, a scooter for getting out and about and have other aids as well, for use as needed.

      Being diabetic did not help, neuro issues were always assumed to be from diabetes. NOT! Many docs thought some of it was somply in my head, shrinks didn't tho. Turned out they were more right (in a twisted way) than expected when brain MRI done in 2010.

      I have quite a Christmas tree of Dawson's Fingers upstairs...ha ha.

      Gomer Sir Falls-a-lot

