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Probable MS questions about symptoms and looking for support

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    Probable MS questions about symptoms and looking for support

    I hope I have posted this in the right place. I have never really done forums before. I've been "sick" for two years and it's all been down hill, no plateaus, no getting better, although in the beginning I had a good week here and there in between the bad weeks or months, now it just seems to be all the time.

    I had the bad experiences that it seems many do with the doctors, especially since I am young (33). I can't tell you how many times they thought I was lying and I would leave in tears of frustration and pain. My journey started with numbing and tingles then went to straight pain. I am now having the face pain with the numbing of my face, gums, and nose. Usually it passes pretty quickly but the past few times the numbness has hung around most of the day. Is that normal?

    I finally got to see 2 neurosurgeons last week that they both suspect probable MS but now because I am on medi-cal (welfare) I have to wait 3 months for approval to see a neurologist. Then I get to wait another 3 months for approval for lumbar puncture. The neurosurgeons were shocked that no other doctor had done a work up for MS. At least I know I'm not going crazy now.

    As of Nov. 2011 it had gotten so bad I couldn't work. I had a GREAT job but just couldn't get through the pain, fatigue, and inability to organize and focus like I used to. I thought this whole time I had to have a diagnosis to get disability, silly me, but I learned it was untrue after I went to file last week. I wish I would have done it sooner.

    I don't get much support from my family. They think I am lazy or it just can't be that bad. One person made me fall apart a few days ago because he said it was despicable of me to be on welfare and think I have the right to be on disability. He said so what you might have MS take some medicine and it will go away. I can't believe the ignorance out there. Anyways sorry for venting, I figure anyone here can relate.

    ** Moderator's note - Post broken into paragraphs for easier reading. Many people with MS have visual difficulties that prevent them from reading large blocks of print. **

    I hear you, loud and clear. It doesn't matter what you have been told be neurosurgeons, your dx will be from a neurologist, preferably one that sees MS regularly. I would get some blood tests done by your PCP. I would get a vitamin D and B-12 level. And I would get hormone levels tested. These are relatively simple blood tests to get. Good luck


      Originally posted by Jrasted79 View Post
      They think I am lazy or it just can't be that bad. One person made me fall apart a few days ago because he said it was despicable of me to be on welfare and think I have the right to be on disability. He said so what you might have MS take some medicine and it will go away.
      Grrrrrr!! Please try to not let those unsupportive people get under your skin. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, be true to yourself. This is nothing short of mean and I wouldn't give that person the opportunity to hurt me again by sharing health concerns I may be experiencing.

      Besides, who really wants to be on Welfare and/or Disability? I'm sure it's not your chosen career path!

      Keep on keeping on with your search for what's wrong with you and try to ignore those who don't support you.
      RRMS 2005, Copaxone since 2007
      "I hope to be the person my dog thinks I am."

