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I need your help PLEASE

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    I need your help PLEASE

    I'm very concerned for my daughter. She has had wicked migraine headaches since the age of 7, and migraines do run in my family. I know nothing of her biological father's health history, nor his family's. My daughter finally had an MRI about a year ago because she also has what they call "brisk" reflexes as well as the headache history. She showed one large very visible lesion periventricular on the left side of her brain. It was near the area where the spinal fluid enters the brain.

    On Thanksgiving her new neuro where we live currently had her admitted to the hospital because she has had a migraine consistently on and off for several weeks. She was given rounds of several different meds in IV over about 24-48 hours. Her headache decreased enough to be doing better. While she was there he ordered another MRI.

    This is why I'm scared for her. Her new MRI a year later, she is now 14, showed another new lesion. This new lesion is smaller but very visible on the right side of the brain in the other periventricular area. It too is near where the fluid comes into the brain from the spine. I know she has had no injuries to cause these.

    Question: dr mentioned it could be MS and he would have to compare both MRI's. I looked up SX of MS and over time she has had quite a few of them. Does this sound a lot like a presentation of MS? I myself have multiple health problems for which a lot are autoimmune. I am sort of still dealing with getting my own definitive dx of what main disease I have. Please help me with this info I have provided if you can! She and I only have each other really and I love her so much. My daughter and I are very close.

    Thank you!!!

    Greetings Murasaki,

    I'm very, very, sorry about the reason your here, but I am glad you've found this site.

    I've only found out I had MS last month and the neurologists believe I've had it since childhood. I'm no expert, but can tell you from personal experience that your daughter's migraine history does sound a lot like mine when I was a kid. Though hers seems to have started a couple years earlier than mine did.

    I don't want to scare you, but IF MS is her problem, then the good news is that they are finding it NOW and not much later in her life. That hasn't been possible until relatively recently. I would think that means that whatever her problem is, MS or something else, getting her the right treatment in so early a stage, makes her future look much brighter than it could have been.

    I just did a quick search on Google and found a site you should look at. (It may even be connected in some way to this one but I'm not sure.) It's called the National MS Society (in the US) and has started an organization/network called the Pediatric MS Centres of Excellence. As your profile doesn't say where you're located, I don't know if your in the same country as this organization - the US - but even if your not in the US, contacting them could prove helpful.

    Below is a partial blurb directly from their page:

    As I don't believe we are allow to link to any other sites in the posts, I have saved the URL (site address) in my profile. Please feel free to click on my username, copy the link, then paste it into a new window and it should bring up the exact page I've quoted above.

    I wish both you and your daughter the very best. Hope you get both the answers and much needed help you need and deserve. Big, gentle, Hugs for you Both! rose:** Direct quote removed. Your may research the National MS Society for info and quotes.** URLs from reputable MS sites are allowed. thankyou for putting it it your address though.


      Thank You!

      Thank You! I did go to the web address and I bookmarked it in my browser so that I can refer back to it. I had no idea there was any possible other information for pediatric MS. I also thank you for telling me about your familiarity from when you were a child and also telling me it's possible that if she is diagnosed this early on her outcome could be much better. I checked out the areas where those centers of excellence are and we aren't too far from the one in Rochester, MN as we live in the Northland area/Northern MN area. I would be more specific but sadly I just got out of a domestic violence situation and have kept my location/city & state quiet. Thank you again so much for the information, it was very very helpful. *hugs*

